▪ A breath for fresh air

 một luồng sinh khí mới


▪ A month of Sundays

 rất lâu, hiếm khi xảy ra


▪ A slap on the wrist

 sự khiển trách nhẹ nhàng


▪ A streak of luck

 một chuỗi may mắn liên tiếp


▪ A sweet tooth

 một người hảo ngọt, rất thích ăn đồ ngọt


▪ A whole new ball game

 một tình huống hoàn toàn khác lúc trước, cục diện hoàn toàn mới


▪ A wolf in sheep’s clothing

 cáo già đóng giả cừu non, người có lòng dạ xấu xa bên trong mà vẻ bên ngoài lại đàng hoàng, tử tế


▪ Absence makes your heart grow fonder

 càng xa càng nhớ


▪ Apples and oranges

 ý nói hai vật so sánh rất khác nhau, khác nhau một trời một vực


▪ As drunk as drunk

 uống say mèm


▪ Bachelor party

 bữa tiệc dành cho những người đàn ông sắp lấy vợ, tiệc độc thân


▪ Back the wrong horse

 đưa ra quyết định sai, ủng hộ sai người/cái gì


▪ Bare one’s teeth

 nhe răng những lúc giận dữ


▪ Be back on your feet

 hồi phục, khỏe mạnh trở lại sau một thời gian đau ốm


▪ Be backing up the wrong tree

 tìm cách giải quyết một vấn đề bằng cách sai lầm


▪ Be fresh as a daisy

 tràn đầy năng lượng


▪ Be in knots

 dạ dày cảm thấy căng và khó chịu vì bạn quá lo lắng hoặc phấn khích


▪ Be in the dark

 không được thông báo về những điều cần biết, mù tịt


▪ Be off the mark

 không đúng, sai


▪ Be out of your depth

 trong tình thế khó khăn


▪ Beauty is only skin deep

 tốt gỗ hơn tốt nước sơn


▪ Bed of nails

 một tình huống khó khăn


▪ Best thing since sliced bread

 một cái gì/ người nào đó rất tốt, quan trọng hay hữu ích


▪ Big guns

 người quan trọng hay có quyền lực


▪ Birds of a feather

 người có tính cách giống nhau,


▪ Bite off more than you can chew

 cố gắng làm điều gì đó mà quá khó với bạn


▪ Bite the bullet

 nhẫn nhục chịu đựng, ngậm đắng nuốt cay


▪ Blood is thicker than water

 một giọt máu đào hơn ao nước lã


▪ Blow someone a kiss

 hôn lên tay


▪ Blow the whistle on someone/sth

 tự thú, báo cáo


▪ Boil the ocean

 lãng phí thời gian, không đáng làm, không thể làm được


▪ Break a new ground

 phát hiện ra cái gì mới


▪ Break out in a cold sweat

 đột nhiên trở nên lo lắng, sợ hãi


▪ Bull's eye

 điểm đen (môn bắn súng]


▪ Buy time

 câu giờ


▪ Change hands

 đổi chủ, đổi quyền sở hữu


▪ Child support

 trự cấp nuôi con


▪ Close/shut the door on sth

 không xét đến việc gì, làm cho không có khả năng thực hiện được


▪ Come to a head

 đạt đến đỉnh điểm


▪ Cook the books

 thay đổi số liệu một cách bất hợp pháp


▪ Cool one's heels

 đứng chờ mỏi chân


▪ Cut corners

 đi tắt, đốt cháy giai đoạn


▪ Do (someone) a good turn

 làm điều gì đó giúp đỡ người khác


▪ Do time

 ngồi tù


▪ Don’t let the fox guard the henhouse

 giao trứng cho ác


▪ Down - and - out

 sa cơ thất thế


▪ Down in the dump

 không vui


▪ Dressed to kill

 ăn mặc rất đẹp, sành điệu


▪ Drive a hard bargain

 mong đợi nhận lại rất nhiều điều gì từ những gì hạp đã làm


▪ Drop a ball

 gây ra lỗi, mắc lỗi do làm điều gì ngu ngốc


▪ Drown your sorrows

 uống rượu để quên đi vấn đề của bạn


▪ Earlybird

 người luôn thức dậy sớm


▪ Easy said than done

 nói thì dễ làm thì khó


▪ Eat like a bird

 ăn ít, ăn như mèo


▪ Eat your words

 thừa nhận điều gì bạn nói trước đây là sai


▪ Every cloud has a silver lining

 dù hoàn cảnh khó khắn, tồi tệ như thế nào thì cũng có một điều tốt đẹp hơn, trong cái rủi cũng có cái may


▪ Explore all avenues

 suy tính đến các hướng/bước để tránh xảy ra vấn đề/ hậu quả xấu


▪ Face the music

 Chấp nhận những lời chỉ trích hoặc sự trừng phạt cho những gì bạn đã làm (chịu trận)


▪ Far - fetched

 rất khó có thể là sự thật, khó tin


▪ Fill in for someone

 làm hết sức có thể để thay thế (lấp chỗ trống) cho ai đó


▪ Flat broke

 rỗng túi, cháy túi


▪ Flat out

 hoàn toàn, hết sức


▪ Get a/your foot in the door

 bước vào công việc kinh doanh ở qui mô nhỏ nhưng có cơ hội thành công trong tương lai


▪ Get cold feet

 lo lắng, sợ hãi


▪ Get even with someone

 trả thù ai, trả đũa ai


▪ Get/ have your ducks in a row

 chuẩn bị tốt hoặc tổ chức tốt cho điều gì đó sắp xảy ra


▪ Get/ start the ball rolling

 bắt đầu điều gì đó


▪ Give someone a run for his/her/their money

 không cho phép ai đó chiến thắng dễ dàng


▪ Give someone food for thought

 đưa một ý kiến đáng được xem xét


▪ Give someone the green light

 cho phép ai hành động, bật đèn xanh cho ai


▪ Give sth your best shot

 làm điều gì đó tốt nhất có thể


▪ Gobananas

 trở nên cực kì tức giận hoặc hào hứng


▪ Go the extra mile

 nỗ lực nhiều hơn mong đợi của bạn


▪ Grease someone’s palm

 bí mật đưa tiền cho ai đó để thuyết phục họ làm điều gì đó cho bạn, hối lộ


▪ Green thumb

 người giỏi về trồng trọt, trồng vườn


▪ Have bigger/other fish to fry

 có một điều gì quan trọng hơn để làm


▪ Have egg on your face

 cảm thấy xấu hổ, ngu ngốc vì những điều đã làm


▪ Have/ keep your ear to the ground

 lắng nghe hay chú ý đến những xu hướng mới


▪ Hazard of hearing

 nghe không rõ, nghe không tốt, lãng tai


▪ He laughs best who laughs last

 cười người chớ vội cười lâu, cười người hôm trước hôm sau người cười.


▪ Head start

 thuận lợi, ưu thế có trước


▪ Hit the bottle

 uống nhiều rượu, nhậu nhẹt


▪ Hit the hay

 đi ngủ


▪ Hit the jackpot

 trúng mánh, trúng số, đột nhiên kiếm được rất nhiều tiền


▪ Hit the nail on the head

 nói đúng trọng tâm vấn đề


▪ Hold your tongue

 đừng nói, không nói nữa


▪ Hornet’s nest

 tình huống khó khăn, không dễ chịu


▪ Hot off the press

 vừa xuất hiện trên báo


▪ In a nutshell

 nói tóm lại


▪ In your salad days

 khoảng thời gian còn trẻ, thiếu trải nghiệm


▪ It strikes someone as strange/ funny/odd (that)

 điều gì đó khiến ai lạ lùng


▪ Itchy feet

 người thích đi du lịch, đi phượt nhiều nơi


▪ Jaw - dropped

 ngạc nhiên, sốc


▪ Keep someone on a short leash

 kiếm soát ai chặt chẽ


▪ Keep your nose to the grindstone

 làm việc chăm chỉ mà không nghỉ ngơi


▪ Kickback

 ngưng làm gì và nghỉ ngơi


▪ Knock on wood

 trộm vía, cầu may mắn (khi sử dụng câu trên, bạn cần gõ tay vào vật gì đó bằng gỗ)


▪ Lame excuse

 cái cớ


▪ Leave someone out in the cold

 không cho phép ai trở thành một phần của nhóm, phớt lờ ai


▪ Let bygones be bygones

 cái gì qua hãy để nó qua, bỏ qua chuyện cũ


▪ Let sleeping dogs lie

 tránh nhắc lại chuyện gì đã qua, chuyện gì qua hãy để nó qua


• Let someone in on a secret

 cho phép ai đó biết điều gì đó mà bạn chưa nói với ai khác


▪ Let the cat out of the bag

 vô tình tiết lộ bí mật


▪ Like a cat on a hot tin roof

 dùng để chỉ người hay bồn chồn, lo lắng


▪ Like water off the duck's back

 không có tác dụng với ai (nước đổ đâu vịt)


▪ Look for a needle in a haystack

 mò kim đáy biển


▪ Make a beeline for someone/something

 đi thẳng đến ai đó/ cái gì đó


▪ Make the mountain out of a mole hill

 làm cho một vấn đề nhỏ có vẻ như là một vấn đề nghiêm trọng, việc bé xé ra to


▪ Meet the deadline

 hoàn thành một công việc nào đó đúng thời hạn (được giao)


▪ Miss the boat

 đánh mất cơ hội


▪ Money laundering

 hoạt động rửa tiền


▪ Move heaven and earth

• làm mọi thứ bạn có thể để, xoay sở đủ trò


▪ No hard feelings

 không giận chứ, không buồn chứ


▪ Occupational hazard

 sự nguy hiểm nghề nghiệp


▪ Off the hook

 thoát khỏi trở ngại, khó khăn


▪ Off the top of your head

 nói ngay không cần suy nghĩ, đã biết sẵn


▪ On tap

 có sẵn để dùng được ngay giống như nước trong vòi chảy ra


• On the ropes

 làm một cách tệ hại và có khả năng thất bại


▪ Open a can of worms

 gây ra tình huống rắc rối hay khó chịu


▪ Out of the frying pan into the fire

 tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa


▪ Paint the town red

 đi chơi, đến các quán rượu, đi bar


▪ Party animal

 người rất thích tiệc tùng


▪ Pass the baton

 trao lại trọng trách hoặc công việc cho người khác.


▪ Peeping Tom

 người hay nhìn trộm phụ nữ thay quần áo


▪ Pop the question

 cầu hôn


▪ Pour one’s heart out to someone

 dốc bâu tâm sư


▪ Pour/throw cold water on sth

 chỉ trích ý kiến hoặc ý tưởng của ai đó và ngăn mọi người tin họ hoặc hào hứng với họ


▪ Pull the rug out (from under someone)

 đột nhiên lấy đi sự hỗ trợ quan trọng từ ai đó


▪ Put a sock in it!

 im lặng đi!


▪ Put someone in his/her place

 chỉ ra cho ai thấy họ ít quan trọng hơn họ nghĩ


▪ Put someone in the picture

 nói với ai về một sự thật


▪ Put someone to bed

 bắt ai đi ngủ


▪ Put sth to sleep

 giết động vật bị ốm hoặc quá già


▪ Put the cart before the horse

 làm những việc không đúng thứ tư, cầm đèn chạy trước ô tô


▪ Put/ throw a spanner in the works

 làm gì để ngăn cái gì thành công, thọc gậy bánh xe


▪ Read between the lines

 Hiểu được ẩn ý hay sự thật đằng sau một tài liệu hay hành động nào


▪ Reap what you have sown

 thắng hay thua do kết quả việc bạn đã làm trong quá khứ


▪ Rome wasn’t built in a day

 thành Rome không được xây dựng trong một ngày, những việc phức tạp cần thời gian và tính kiên nhẫn mới hoàn thành


▪ Run its course

 phát triển và kết thúc một cách tự nhiên


▪ Seize the day

 quý trọng ngày tháng, nắm bắt thời cơ


▪ Set someone straight

 nói cho ai đó sự thật về một tình huống mà người đó chưa hiểu


▪ Shame on you

 thật đáng xấu hổ cho bạn


▪ Shoot yourself in the foot

 một người có ý làm hại người khác, nhưng rốt cuộc lại làm hại chính mình, gậy ông đập lưng ông


▪ Shopping spree

 mua sắm giải khoai, mua nhiêu thứ một lúc nhưng đa số là những thứ bạn không cần


▪ Shut one’s eyes

 nhắm mắt làm ngơ


▪ Sick to death

 chán, ngán, ngấy


▪ Sit on the fence

 trì hoãn đưa ra quyết định, trung lập, không theo phe nào


▪ Skeleton in the/your closet

 bí mật đáng xấu hổ


▪ Sleep on it

 suy nghĩ từ từ trước khi đưa ra quyết định


▪ Slippery slope

 chiều hướng có thể dễ dàng dẫn đến thất bại, tai họa


▪ Smell a rat

 hoài nghi


▪ Spill the beans

 tiết lộ bí mật


▪ Stab someone in the back

 làm điều gì đó có hại cho người đã tin tưởng bạn, đâm sau lưng người nào đó


▪ Stay the course

 tiếp tục làm một cái gì đó cho đến khi nó kết thúc hoặc cho đến khi bạn đạt được một cái gì đó


▪ Storm in a teacup

 việc bé xé ra to, phóng đại sự việc


▪ Strike while the iron is hot

 tận dụng cơ hội đang có


▪ Swallow your pride

 kìm nén tự ái, nén sự kiêu hãnh


▪ Sweep someone off their feet

 làm cho ai cực kỳ xúc động


▪ Take a back seat

 chỉ tham gia một phần ít nổi bật trong việc gì


▪ Take someone for a ride

 nừa gạt, chơi xỏ ai đó


▪ Take someone under your wing

 che chở và bảo bọc ai đó


▪ Take sth amiss

 không hiểu/hiểu nhầm cái gì đó


▪ Take with a grain of salt

 Không hoàn toàn tin tưởng cái gì đó


▪ Tear your hair out

 vò đầu bứt tóc


▪ Temper tantrum

 cơn la hét giận dự, khóc mếu, ăn vạ (trẻ em)


▪ Tempt fate

 liều mạng, hành động liều lĩnh


▪ The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

 con nhà tông không giống lông cũng giống cánh, hổ phụ sinh hổ tử


▪ The big picture

 toàn cảnh, bức tranh toàn cảnh


▪ The blind leading the blind

 người mù dẫn đường người mù đi, chỉ kẻ không biết gì mà lại bảo người khác làm theo mình


▪ The dust settles

 mọi chuyện dịu lại, bình tĩnh lại, lắng xuống


▪ The in thing

 thứ thịnh hành, thời thượng, đang được ưa chuộng, đang là mốt


▪ The light at the end of the tunnel

 dấu hiệu cho biết việc gì sẽ sớm thoát khỏi hoàn cảnh khó khan


▪ The more the merrier

 càng đông càng vui


▪ The night’s young

 vẫn còn sớm mà


▪ The pros and cons

 ưu điểm và khuyết điểm, lợi ích và tác hại


▪ The time is ripe

 thời điểm thích hợp


▪ The whole nine yards

 toàn bộ một cái gì đó, bao gồm tất cả mọi thứ có liên quan đến nó


▪ Think outside the box

 suy nghĩ một cách sáng tạo. không đi theo lối cũ


▪ Third time is a charm

 lần thứ ba sẽ thành công, quá tam ba bận


▪ Through thick and thin

 bất chấp mọi hoàn cảnh khó khăn


▪ Throw a caution to the wind/winds

 làm cái gì mà không lo lắng về hậu quả, liều lĩnh làm một điều gì đó


▪ Throw in the towel

 thừa nhận thất bại


▪ Throw someone under the bus

 làm điều gì đó có hại cho người khác để giành lợi thế cho mình


▪ Time bomb

 bom hẹn giờ, bom nổ chậm


▪ Time is money

 thời gian là vàng


▪ Toss a coin

 tung đồng xu, lấy hên xui


▪ Turn a blind eye

 vờ như không thấy, nhắm mắt làm ngơ


▪ Turn the tables on someone

 giành lại ưu thế so với ai, làm đảo lộn lại tình thế đối với ai


▪ Twenty-four seven

 24 trên 7, mọi lúc


▪ Twist someone’s arm

 thuyết phục ai làm việc gì đó


▪ Under oath

 thề nói thật trước tòa


▪ Under the table

 bí mật


▪ Walk/tread a tightrope

 xem xét cẩn thận các quyết định hoặc rủi ro mà bạn thực hiện để giải quyết thành công một tình huống khó khăn


▪ Walking on thin ice

 hoàn cảnh khó khăn dễ dẫn đến thất bại


▪ Wee hours

 nửa đêm


▪ While there’s life, there’s hope

 còn nước còn tát


▪ White elephant

 một cái gì đó tốn rất nhiều tiền nhưng không hữu ích


▪ With flying colors

 rất dễ dàng, kết quả mĩ mãn


▪ Work like a beaver

 làm việc đầu tắt mặt tối


▪ Your mind is a blank/ goes blank

 đầu óc trống rỗng, không nhớ được điều gì đặc biệt



Exercise 1.1Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 

Question 1: The______ time was a charm for Korea’s PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic bid committee.

A. third        B. first        C. second        D. forth

Question 2: He is one of those rare employees who has remained with the organization through thick and______.

A. fat        B. thin        C. small        D. obese

Question 3: The placement agency took hundreds of people for a ______ by promising non-existent jobs.

A. consideration        B. granted        C. ride        D. account

Question 4: Let me set the record______ on all the talk in the media about my business relationship with the key accused in the scandal.

A. long        B. horizontal        C. straight        D. still

Question 5: Despite being an underdog, Division B team gave the best team of the tournament run for their______.

A. money        B. heritage        C. cost        D. price

Question 6: This year, we’ll get a ______ start on the “green movement” by encouraging more people to take part in planting trees.

A. shoulder        B. hand        C. neck        D. head

Question 7: That’s an amazing deal you’re getting. Don’t wait. ______ while the iron is hot, or else it’ll be gone.

A. cross        B. enter        C. Strike        D. occur

Question 8: The business has started to gain momentum after months of struggle. We finally see light at the end of______.

A. mountain        B. hole        C. tunnel        D. street

Question 9: When he exceeded his brief to take charge of the project, the boss______ him in his place.

A. let        B. put        C. puts        D. lets

Question 10: The government says that the economy is robust, but if you look at employment data and______ further between the lines, you realize that the situation isn’t that rosy.

A. make        B. do        C. watch        D. read

Question 11: You’re falling short on class attendance and you failed to submit the last assignment. You’re walking on thin______ in this semester.

A. ice        B. eggshells        C. air        D. sky

Question 12: The government has intervened by infusing billions of dollars to get the banks off the______.

A. hook        B. bottom        C. color        D. weather

Question 13: I’m waiting till the time is______ before I tell my grandparents that I failed the entrance exam.

A. sour        B. sufficient        C. ripe        D. good

Question 14: I was left out in the______ in the annual promotions in the company.

A. rain        B. sun        C. snow        D. cold

Question 15: You expect our plant to manufacture 40,000 parts in a week. You’re trying to______ the ocean on this one.

A. boil        B. ruin        C. heat        D. damage

Question 16: I spent two hours______ my heels in the waiting room while the CFO was busy in a meeting.

A. cooling        B. doing        C. making        D. warming

Question 17: The government’s choice for the new Defense Secretary seemed pretty ______to the opposition party.

A. far-fetched        B. far- narrowed        C. far-heated        D. far cry

Question 18: The new fashion of YSL is really the______ thing at the moment.

A. out        B. in        C. for        D. at

Question 19: I haven’t made up my mind about that issue, I’ll have to sit on the______.

A. mountain        B. edge        C. fence        D. eggshell

Question 20: Some people like nothing better than to paint the town______ at every opportunity, but I prefer to stay at home and watch cartoons.

A. blue        B. black        C. pink        D. red

Question 21: Portable phones are marketed as the best thing since sliced______, people think they are extremely good.

A. bread        B. cake        C. fruit        D. meat

Question 22: The employees have been working______ out to get the job finished ahead of the deadline.

A. narrow        B. big        C. flat        D. large

Question 23: Many people claim that insults or negative comments are______, but in reality, many of them are upset by such things.

A. like water off a duck's back        B. great minds think alike

C. Jacks-of-all-trades                D. Beggar on horseback

Question 24: My aunt’s room is so messy that looking for anything is like looking for a______ in a haystack.

A. indicator        B. needle        C. pointer        D. marker

Question 25: He didn’t like his boss so he quit and found a new job. He realized that he had gone out of the frying______ into the______ when he met his new boss!

A. fire-pan        B. pan-pot        C. pan-fire        D. box-fire

Question 26: Cheating on a diet is a slippery______. Before you know it, you’ll be fat again

A. mountain        B. street        C. case        D. slope

Question 27: This research was based on a small group of people, so we have to take the results with a______ of salt.

A. grain        B. punch        C. spoonful        D. little

Question 28: Alex thought the handsome stranger was gentle and kind, but Peter suspected he was a______ in______ clothing.

A. sheep-wolf s        B. wolf-sheep’s        C. tiger-lion’s        D. lion-tiger’s

Question 29: There is a surprise party for Susan this Saturday so please don’t______

A. run of the mill        B. spill the beans         C. Get the ball rolling        D. Find my feet

Question 30: Lucy always said she could speak English fluently, but when she couldn’t hold a conservation with the England tourist, she had______ all over his face.

A. fish        B. straw        C. smile        D. egg

Question 31: At first, I was really excited about my new project, but now I feel like I’ve bitten off more than I can______.

A. swallow        B. digest        C. chew        D. bite

Question 32: We will be alright. It seems bad now but we’ll look back and see it was just a______ in a teacup

A. storm        B. flood        C. drought        D. rain

Question 33: I hate dentists but I have a toothache so it looks like I’m going to have to bite the______.

A. can        B. bullet        C. bat        D. candy

Question 34: I broke my leg but then met my future wife in the hospital. It’s true that every cloud has a______ lining.

A. gold        B. diamond        C. silver        D. circle

Question 35: Look at Susan’s garden. She really has a______ thumb.

A. yellow        B. brown        C. pink        D. green

Question 36: You had better not forget 8 leadership attributes that make you go the extra______.

A. street        B. mile        C. road        D. journey

Question 37: You should get the______ rolling as soon as possible to be well- prepared for the IELTS test

A. ball        B. head        C. apple        D. knowledge

Question 38: Peter is going to be______ in for me while I’m taking care of my children.

A. doing        B. making        C. filling        D. going

Question 39: Alex was a distinguished entertainer, a______ of fresh air in an industry full of people all trying to copy each other.

A. breathe        B. choking        C. hallucination        D. breath

Question 40: He is always missing the bus because he is not an early______.

A. tiger        B. bird        C. squirrel        D. skunk

Question 41: I am sorry I have to dismiss you. No______ feelings, okay?

A. hard        B. soft        C. angry        D. sad

Question 42: My husband always makes children hit the______ before 9pm.

A. roof        B. ceiling        C. bed        D. hay

Question 43: When I’m at home because of getting pregnant, I’m sick to______ of doing nothing.

A. tired        B. death        C. happy        D. bad

Question 44: The English test is really difficult. I’ll give it my best______ to get high scores.

A. shots        B. ability        C. knowledge        D. skill

Question 45: We need to explore all______ before doing something that is not safety to a great number of people in order to minimize unfavorable consequences.

A. results        B. means        C. avenues        D. roads

Question 46: You shouldn’t throw in the______ although this project is tough, I know.

A. tower        B. basket        C. failure        D. towel

Question 47: Mike knew she should report the accident but decided to let sleeping ______lie

A. dogs        B. cats        C. rabbits        D. camels

Question 48: When I was a little girl, my whole family always had lots of pets - dogs, cats, hamsters... — the whole______ yards

A. eight        B. ten        C. nine        D. night

Question 49: She is familiar enough with the data. Give us the information off the ______of her head.

A. bottom        B. top        C. depth        D. line

Question 50: My little boy is a bit______ in the dumps because he was not allowed to study oversea with his friend.

A. up        B. on        C. at        D. down

Exercise 1.2Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 

Question 1: If you don’t to miss the______, you’ll have to go to the interview early.

A. car        B. boat        C. bus        D. bike

Question 2: That Zara dress I bought last year is really an______ elephant.

A. white        B. old        C. black        D. grey

Question 3: We can’t go on a holiday this summer because we are flat______

A. broken        B. breaking        C. broke        D. break

Question 4: He tries to finish the work until the______ hours

A. wee        B. early        C. late        D. night

Question 5: In order to get high scores at the entrance of the exam, Mike keeps his nose to the______

A. back        B. grindstone        C. rock        D. teeth

Question 6: I always want to go off the beaten track as I get______ feet.

A. itchy        B. fast        C. quick        D. slow

Question 7: She sometimes______ her peers in the back.

A. stabs        B. lets        C. makes        D. does

Question 8: When my mother watches horror films, she always______ out in a cold sweat.

A. bears        B. breaks        C. brings        D. takes

Question 9: He is an intelligent person but always shoots himself in the______.

A. feet        B. legs        C. foot        D. ears

Question 10: I know you don’t want to take out another loan, but it will______ time until the new factory comes online.

A. sell        B. buy        C. tell        D. say

Question 11: After cycling in the early morning, my grandparents are always as fresh as______.

A. daisy        B. beetroot        C. red        D. fruit

Question 12: Kevin says he was completely in the______ about the CEO’s plans to sell the brands.

A. morning        B. confused        C. dark        D. debt

Question 13: I think that we should put him in the______ about his father’s death.

A. picture        B. back        C. portrait        D. shot

Question 14: I’m glad you dropped by! It’s been a month of______ since I last saw you.

A. Mondays        B. Sundays        C. Saturdays        D. Tuesdays

Question 15: We should______ the day while the prices are low. That won’t last forever.

A. seize        B. call        C. take        D. bring

Question 16: I can’t afford to spend a lot of time standing here talking. Time is ______, you know!

A. priceless        B. precious        C. gold        D. money

Question 17: If you have problems, call me twenty - four______, it doesn’t matter if I’m sleeping

A. six        B. seven        C. eight        D. nine

Question 18: Susan has passed the______ after 30 years at the helm of the biggest technology in the region.

A. baton        B. bottom        C. line        D. range

Question 19: She worked like a______ to empty the house as the new tenant will be moving in tomorrow.

A. horse        B. bee        C. beaver        D. pig

Question 20: Whenever I meet him, there’s always a______ of nails.

A. bed        B. chair        C. table        D. desk

Question 21: After Susan joined the Marketing team as General manager, it was a ______new ball game.

A. total        B. whole        C. overall        D. average

Question 22: When I see my boyfriend, I make a______ for him.

A. way        B. chance        C. beeline        D. line

Question 23: When he proposed me, I was out of my______.

A. depth        B. breath        C. width        D. height

Question 24: Whenever I get into trouble, my ex-husband is willing to do me a good______.

A. hand        B. helping        C. support        D. turn

Question 25: “Absence makes your heart grow______”.

A. better        B. fonder        C. softer        D. broken

Question 26: He laughs best who laughs______.

A. end        B. finally        C. last        D. lastly

Question 27: She is not beautiful but a kind girl. Many people usually say that: “Beauty is only______ deep”.

A. skin        B. shirt        C. sweater        D. dress

Question 28: You should take action now in lieu of talking all day because easier said than______.

A. doing        B. done        C. made        D. making

Question 29: All of us shouldn’t give up as while there’s life, there’s______.

A. doubt        B. willingness        C. breath        D. hope

Question 30: Would you take it______ if I told you I thought you look lovely? I was afraid you’d take it in the wrong way.

A. amiss        B. account        C. consideration        D. granted

Question 31: It______ as a strange to me that he failed the exam because he is so smart and diligent student.

A. occurs        B. strikes        C. enters        D. crosses

Question 32: You needn’t give me your decision now. ______ on it, and let me know next week.

A. do        B. think        C. sleep        D. lie

Question 33: My grandparents are______ of hearing. Therefore, we have to speak loudly so that they can hear us.

A. lacking        B. empty        C. zero        D. hard

Question 34: I invited a lot of friends to my birthday party. The more the______.

A. merrier        B. merry        C. merriest        D. better

Question 35: They really cut______ when they cooked instant noodles with salmon; they are not ripe.

A. apron        B. comers        C. edges        D. string

Question 36: The author tried to drive a______ bargain with the publisher on signing amount, but couldn’t because he didn’t have best sellers in his name.

A. hard        B. soft        C. expensive        D. cheap

Question 37: ‘Let the cat out of the______’ is an idiom meaning to tell a secret by mistake.

A. plastic        B. handbag        C. bag        D. house

Question 38: Despite an injury, she stayed the______ to save the match for her team.

A. calm        B. healthy        C. idle        D. course

Question 39: He doesn’t hit the______ often, but when he does, he can be nasty.

A. bottle        B. books        C. ceiling        D. roof

Question 40: One bad interview doesn’t mean you’re struggling to get the job. Don’t ______a mountain of a molehill.

A. go        B. make        C. climb        D. do

Question 41: I think the CEO hit the nail on the______ when he said that the organization was losing market share because of complacency and security.

A. ball        B. head        C. edge        D. tunnel

Question 42: Farmers are angry because of the low prices at which government agencies are buying their products. Let’s wait for the dust to______ before we negotiate with them.

A. farm        B. house        C. settle        D. home

Question 43: We put the dog to______ as it was suffering from age-related ailments.

A. sleep        B. lying        C. go        D. bark

Question 44: Last-minute withdrawal of the sponsor threw a______ in our plans in the works to organize the cultural festivals.

A. caution        B. notice        C. information        D. spanner

Question 45: Many educational institutions have to______ a tightrope between charging a high tuition fee and facing criticism, and not charging much and depending on grants.

A. walk        B. go        C. ride        D. slide

Question 46: It’s your relationships that help in getting your______ in the door in the initial phase of your business. Otherwise, it can be a grind.

A. ride        B. foot        C. go        D. open

Question 47: He turned the______ on his political opponent by reeling off data on how poorly the economy has fared in the last one year.

A. back        B. tables        C. desks        D. body

Question 48: The government brought the rebel leaders to the negotiating table by twisting their______ by launching investigation into their shady business deals.

A. arms        B. legs        C. shoulders        D. noses

Question 49: The meteorology department was quite off the______ in predicting rainfall this week.

A. beaten        B. shoulder        C. color        D. mark

Question 50: The political party fielded a businessman from the prestigious seat in the national capital, but he lost. They clearly backed the wrong______.

A. horse        B. pig        C. way        D. direction

Exercise 1.3Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 

Question 1: The sales team blamed the engineers for the organization’s failure to bag the mega deal, but they were barking up the______ tree.

A. false        B. right        C. wrong        D. fertilized

Question 2: Trump lost more money than anyone in America between 1985 and 1994: $1.17 billion. In a______, Trump is the biggest loser in the history of the United States.

A. nutshell        B. summit        C. deadline        D. trick

Question 3: In a U.S. court of law, a witness must swear______ oath to tell “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

A. at        B. in        C. to        D. under

Question 4: A fanatical Manchester United supporter, Brian said: ‘I usually just wear jeans and a t-shirt but today I'm dressed to______.’

A. wear        B. kill        C. put        D. stay

Question 5: Many people said that Trump and Bolsonaro are______ of a feather.

A. chickens        B. squirrels        C. birds        D. skunks

Question 6: There is plenty of evidence to suggest that President Jair Bolsonaro's senator son has been______ money for a long time.

A. spending        B. wasting        C. using        D. laundering

Question 7: Not only do you have a strong will power that gets you what you want, but you have a______ of luck as well that helps you keep it.

A. streak        B. hand        C. narrow        D. full

Question 8: We'll have to address that problem tomorrow. Right now, we've got bigger ______to fiy.

A. meat        B. fish        C. fruit        D. squirrel

Question 9: He would throw salt over his shoulder and knock on______ just for good luck, I didn't learn this until I lived with him.

A. hand        B. door        C. wood        D. table

Question 10: If you are trying to get 100 musicians to play your symphony, you had better have your______ in a row before you walk into the hall with an armload of scores.

A. body        B. ducks        C. fingers        D. mouth

Question 11: After being in the leadership position for more than a decade, it’ll be tough for him to______ a back seat.

A. take        B. occupy        C. make        D. do

Question 12: Corruption in the police force is rampant, but authorities are turning a ______eye.

A. fake        B. deaf        C. blind        D. blank

Question 13: One of the main reasons for his success in business is that he keeps an ______to the ground to know what the customers want and why they’re dissatisfied with competing products.

A. eye        B. ear        C. egg        D. eagle

Question 14: Our scientists are breaking new______ in robotics and cancer research.

A. ground        B. strategy        C. challenge        D. plan

Question 15: The plant decided to close the______ on water shortage.

A. knit        B. doors        C. hands        D. gossips

Question 16: The architects poured______ water on the plan to build another church.

A. hot        B. warm        C. chilly        D. cold

Question 17: The case______ to a head when he signed this contract.

A. came        B. made        C. pointed        D. reached

Question 18: There is no cure for this infection. You’ll have to let it______ its course.

A. run        B. walk        C. stay        D. go

Question 19: He had to face the______ because of going out at night without dad’s permission.

A. trouble        B. music        C. fact        D. problem

Question 20: He moved heaven and______ to get the highest scores in the last exam.

A. effort        B. sky        C. earth        D. heart

Question 21: Peter has hit the______ with his new kinds of milk made from nuts - sales have tripled.

A. book        B. hay        C. deadline        D. jackpot

Question 22: We’ll give it our best shots to save you from the robbers but now you must______ your tongue.

A. keep        B. hold        C. maintain        D. breathe

Question 23: I poured my______ to my ex-husband about his new marriage.

A. heart        B. water        C. love        D. mouth

Question 24: Although I graduated from economic university, I______ my pride to work as a waiter to earn living for 1 year till I found a new job.

A. chewed        B. took        C. swallowed        D. digested

Question 25: High crude oil prices have put many airlines______ the ropes.

A. on        B. under        C. bottom        D. in

Question 26: The government can no longer shut his______ to growing pollution arising from stubble burning.

A. attention        B. eye        C. mouth        D. influence

Question 27: Experts had to______ their words on the impending doom of when the fledgling ecommerce website turned in an unexpected profit.

A. swallow        B. chew        C. digest        D. eat

Question 28: I’ll paint the town red with my husband after putting my son to______.

A. sleep        B. asleep        C. bed        D. carriage

Question 29: This apartment has changed______ so many times since its first buying in 2007.

A. midstream        B. hands        C. host        D. fingers

Question 30: My wife promised to eat like a______- to get lean, but she has hardly lost any weight.

A. bird        B. horse        C. pig        D. dog

Question 31: Waiting for the result of my medical tests, I was like a______ on hot tin roof.

A. dog        B. pig        C. cat        D. fly

Question 32: If you get low scores, you shouldn’t throw a______ to the wind to apply FTU university

A. attention        B. notice        C. caution        D. mistake

Question 33: Her daughter soon showed her musical talent, proving that the______ doesn’t fall far from the tree.

A. orange        B. apple        C. money        D. silver

Question 34: Every time you invest money, you're______ fate.

A. tempting        B. taking        C. making        D. playing

Question 35: He has been accused of throwing fellow Republicans under the______ for his personal agenda.

A. car        B. bus        C. bicycle        D. train

Question 36: She passed the English exam with______ colors.

A. flying        B. expert        C. wonderful        D. excellent

Question 37: The chairman finally admitted that he was forced to grease a few ______along the way.

A. hands        B. fingers        C. palms        D. feet

Question 38: His boss finally gave him the______ light to start the new project.

A. red        B. yellow        C. pink        D. green

Question 39: They sat for hours debating the pros and______ of carrying out new project.

A. cons        B. hands        C. fingers        D. ears

Question 40: The first time I met my husband when I was in my______ days.

A. tomato        B. salads        C. nuts        D. fingers

Question 41: Our boss is reluctant to change the policy now because she doesn't want to open a______ of worms.

A. herd        B. spoonful        C. can        D. handful

Question 42: After his father’s death, he always went to the bar to______ his sorrows.

A. reduce        B. drown        C. delete        D. discard

Question 43: If you want to get a good apartment, you may have to give the manager some money under the______.

A. table        B. desk        C. hand        D. chair

Question 44: Karma sets the quality of a life according to how well or badly a person behaved in their previous life - you______ what you sow.

A. make        B. do        C. deep        D. reap

Question 45: If you think______ the box, your thoughts are not limited or controlled by rules or tradition, and you have ideas that are creative and unusual.

A. outside        B. inside        C. on        D. in

Question 46: I'll try to help, but it's the______ leading the blind because I've never done this before either.

A. deaf        B. blind        C. fake        D. real

Question 47: A______ Tom used hidden cameras to videotape women in their house in Galway city

A. crying        B. peeping        C. stupid        D. clever

Question 48: We've been tearing our______ out trying to decide what to do.

A. brain        B. intelligence        C. hair        D. mind

Question 49: She says that he swept her off her______, and they were married six months later.

A. foot        B. shoulders        C. eyes        D. feet

Question 50: If we don't do something about the pollution problem, we'll be sitting on a ticking time______.

A. bomb        B. comb        C. deadlock        D. telling

Exercise 1.4Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences 

Question 1: He asked if she had any______ in her closet that might affect her political campaign.

A. bones        B. skeletons        C. dust        D. dirt

Question 2: My sister has a sweet______, so she always eats candies before going to bed.

A. tooth        B. teeth        C. mouth        D. hand

Question 3: Can I______ you in on a little secret?

A. allow        B. give        C. let        D. get

Question 4: Last year in May, my husband pop me the______.

A. marriage        B. question        C. engaged        D. questionnaire

Question 5: The child was throwing a______ tantrum in the middle of the store.

A. caution        B. blood        C. attention        D. temper

Question 6: We were ready to start work on the project when the mayor______ the rug out from under us and cut the funding.

A. pulled        B. stimulated        C. rubbed        D. put

Question 7: I know we've had our fights over the years, but I think it's time we______ bygones be bygones.

A. went        B. let        C. remained        D. stayed

Question 8: The night is______- it's not very late yet, so we still have time to have a good time.

A. old        B. late        C. young        D. early

Question 9: Let's______ a coin. Heads, we don't go; tails, we do.

A. toss        B. throw        C. make        D. do

Question 10: Put a______ in it! Some of us are trying to work around here.

A. coin        B. shirt        C. dress        D. sock

Question 11: He's been working late with her every night this week - I______ a rat!

A. smell        B. taste        C. chew        D. swallow

Question 12: Her fingers flickering in a wave, Peter smirked and______ him a kiss, then gestured for him to go, her wrists bent in a ‘shooing’ motion.

A. blew        B. gave        C. made        D. took

Question 13: Thank you for your suggestion - it gave us a lot of food for______.

A. eating        B. drinking        C. thought        D. thinking

Question 14: While addressing my first divorce and before child______ had been court ordered, I started working at a local bank.

A. rearing        B. support        C. bearing        D. caring

Question 15: You can't expect her to finish this project in the time allotted; Rome wasn't______ in a day.

A. built        B. bought        C. made        D. called

Question 16: An aching back or limbs at the end of a working day should not simply be accepted as an occupational______.

A. disease        B. danger        C. job        D. hazard

Question 17: Aren't you putting the cart before the______ by deciding what to wear for the wedding before you've even been invited to it?

A. dog        B. house        C. horse        D. cat

Question 18: Planer had been in fifth position when he was credited with a final-shot bull’s______, his best shot of the finals.

A. eye        B. face        C. leg        D. shoulder

Question 19: He said he didn't go because it was raining, which is a pretty ______excuse if you ask me.

A. bad        B. flame        C. lame        D. good

Question 20: He vowed that he would______ even with them for the way he'd been treated.

A. get        B. make        C. put        D. stay

Question 21: Why do students think they can always break the law and be let off with just a reprimand or a slap______ the wrist?

A. in        B. on        C. at        D. to

Question 22: The Government was cooking the______ and misleading the public.

A. foods        B. candies        C. books        D. cookies

Question 23: Employees are under constant pressure to______ deadlines.

A. make        B. complete        C. write        D. meet

Question 24: He saw them watching him and bared his______ in the manner of an angry dog.

A. mouth        B. tooth        C. teeth        D. nose

Question 25: He believes in honor trust between friends, loyalty between lovers, and that blood is______ than water between family members, but he discovers all these notions have fallen apart.

A. thicker        B. heavier        C. stronger        D. salter

Question 26: They are both great but you can't compare apples and______.

A. chalks        B. oranges        C. cheese        D. pears

Question 27: And then of course the boys must attend the______ party, we wouldn't think of leaving you out!

A. single        B. celibate        C. bachelor        D. last

Question 28: The Rochdale cabaret singer feared his Norwegian bride had got______ feet and decided to return to her homeland without him.

A. cold        B. barbed        C. hot        D. single

Question 29: It's not always easy to find a job after you've ______time.

A. spent        B. used        C. wasted        D. done

Question 30: Decency paves the way, full of home sweet values which too often are overlooked in the______ picture.

A. enormous        B. big        C. small        D. bad

Question 31: These were not artisans as such, it was asserted, but down-and-______, who lived at the margins, involved in street theft and other criminal activities.

A. out        B. up        C. in        D. off

Question 32: The coach kept her players on a______ leash throughout the year.

A. short        B. big        C. tight        D. small

Question 33: Public schools have dropped the______ when it comes to teaching kids about art and music.

A. mistake        B. ball        C. knife        D. lips

Question 34: What good is life anyway if a guy can’t______ back and watch a good movie?

A. go        B. stay        C. let        D. kick

Question 35: The first baseman and the center fielder were the big______ of that team.

A. guns        B. mouth        C. cat        D. dog

Question 36: "We'll soon have you______ on your feet again," said the nurse.

A. walk        B. back        C. let        D. depend

Question 37: There was widespread outrage when it was discovered that a known pedophile had been given a job at the school. "You don't let the______ guard the henhouse" said one of the protesters.

A. fox        B. cat        C. duck        D. fish

Question 38: He blew the______ on the company's illegal hiring practices.

A. trumpet        B. coin        C. whistle        D. mouth

Question 39: Shame______ you, Fred. I thought you were my friend!

A. of        B. at        C. to        D. on

Question 40: This caught her off guard, then her mind went temporarily______.

A. empty        B. blank        C. back        D. white

Question 41: I just went______ when she told me she wanted to move out.

A. bananas        B. calm        C. crazy        D. happy

Question 42: On the evidence it appears as though Anne Kelly, Jennifer's mother, ______Jennifer's two boys under her wing and cared for them until Jennifer was finally able to resume her motherly duties on a full-time basis.

A. made        B. stayed        C. took        D. had

Question 43: We became friends, and went on a shopping______ in Oxford Street.

A. online        B. doing        C. clothes        D. spree

Question 44: Laurel’s jaw______ despite her attempts to hide her surprise.

A. failed        B. dropped        C. fell        D. went

Question 45: The DJs began a non-stop performance that pumped up adrenalin levels as the party______ began rocking to the lively rhythm.

A. animals        B. sweets        C. candies        D. buffet

Question 46: Here is a copy of the new Perry Hodder novel. It's______ off the press.

A. cold        B. warm        C. hot        D. mild

Question 47: I was so nervous that my stomach was in______.

A. knots        B. trouble        C. danger        D. hurt

Question 48: Jane bought herself a case of beer and proceeded to get as drunk as a______.

A. beetroot        B. drank        C. drunk        D. pig

Question 49: Discount broker TD Waterhouse has stirred up a hornets'______ with the announcement that it will introduce margin trading into the UK.

A. family        B. nest        C. group        D. team

Question 50: We didn't come across a single bar that didn't have at least ten different brews______ tap.

A. at        B. upon        C. below        D. on


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