Exercise 1.1Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: Students are encouraged to develop critical thinking______ accepting opinions without questioning them.

A. in addition        B. for instance        C. instead of        D. because of

Question 2: When his alarm went off, he shut it off and slept for______15 minutes.

A. another        B. others        C. the others        D. other

Question 3: We received a call from the teacher______ charge of the course.

A. at        B. in        C. on        D. to

Question 4: Factories are not allowed to pump their industrial waste______ the sea.

A. out        B. into        C. for        D. onto

Question 5: I must go to the dentist and______.

A. get my teeth to take care of        B. take care of my teeth

C. my teeth be taken care of        D. get my teeth taken care of

Question 6: “What would you do in my place?” “Were______ treated like that, I would complain to the manager.”

A. I to had been        B. I to be        C. I have been        D. to I be

Question 7: Hair color is______ characteristics to use in identifying people.

A. one of the most obvious that art        B. obviously one of the most

C. one of the most obvious        D. most obvious one of

Question 8: Not until a monkey is several years old______ to exhibit signs of independence from his mother.

A. does it begin        B. beginning        C. and begin        D. it begins

Question 9: As a child, I had an imaginary friend______ Polly.

A. call        B. calling        C. called        D. calls

Question 10: Dick______ moustache, but he doesn’t any more. He shaved it off because his wife didn’t like it.

A. got used to have        B. is used to have        C. used to have        D. used to having

Question 11: Neither the students nor their lecturer______ English in the classroom.

A. use        B. uses        C. are using        D. have used

Question 12: Jenny is an early riser and she doesn’t object______ the trip before 7 a.m.

A. to starting        B. against starting        C. to have to start        D. to start

Question 13: Be sure not to rely too heavily______ your mother tongue when you are learning a foreign language.

A. on        B. in        C. at        D. out

Question 14: A few kind words at the right time______ all the difference.

A. make        B. give        C. do        D. take

Question 15: I really want to become a pilot when I______.

A. grow up        B. talk about        C. agree with        D. get up

Question 16: If life______ predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.

A. is        B. would be        C. were        D. had been

Question 17: Mr. Pike______ for this company for more than thirty years, and he intends to stay here until he______.

A. worked/retires                B. works/is retiring

C. has worked/retires                D. is working/will retire

Question 18: Everybody had heard of Einstein, ______ hardly anyone could understand his theory of relativity.

A. and        B. but        C. so        D. or

Question 19: Basically, adolescent development is the different stages we all go______.

A. through        B. across        C. along        D. by

Question 20: Flood______ from the heavy rain destroyed the crops in the region.

A. resulted        B. to result        C. results        D. resulting

Question 21: As______ out by I.J Good in 1965, designing smarter Al systems is itself a cognitive task.

A. point        B. pointing        C. pointed        D. to point

Question 22: She stopped______ on TV after the scandal became known.

A. appearing        B. to appear        C. appeared        D. appears

Question 23: We are aware that______, the situation will get worse.

A. unless dealing with carefully        B. if dealt not carefully with

C. if not carefully dealt with        D. if not carefully dealing with

Question 24: Never before______ more foreign tourists to Viet Nam.

A. have there been        B. there have been        C. were there        D. there were

Question 25: I can’t see us beating them at tennis this year. We are so out of______.

A. step        B. fitness        C. practice        D. breath

Question 26: Many young people have objected______ contractual marriage, which is decided by the parents of the bride and groom.

A. for        B. about        C. at        D. to

Question 27: When students______ the secondary education, they have to take a(n) exam called GCSE.

A. finish        B. finished        C. had finished        D. will finish

Question 28: Tom didn't do his homework, so the teacher became very angry. He ______his homework.

A. might have done        B. must have done        C. will have done        D. should have done

Question 29: That sounds like a good offer. I______ it if I______ you.

A. would accept - were        B. accepted - would be

C. accept - will be                D. will accept - were

Question 30: The smell of the sea______ him______ to his childhood. 

A. brought - back        B. took - back        C. reminded - of        D. called - off

Question 31: Justin is writing a book about his adventure in Tibet. I hope he can find a good publisher when he______.

A. finished        B. has finished        C. will finish        D. is finishing

Question 32: I didn’t hear you come in last night. You______ very quiet.

A. should have been        B. could have        C. must have been        D. must be

Question 33: I wouldn’t like to be a senior manager. You have to______ a lot of responsibility.

A. suggest        B. carry        C. convey        D. bear

Question 34: If you have something important______, you’d better say it aloud rather than whispering to each other.

A. saying        B. to say        C. to saying        D. say

Question 35: It is claimed that new nuclear power plants______ to be safer than the current ones are soon built.

A. to design        B. designing        C. designed        D. are designed

Question 36: Project-based learning provides wonderful opportunities for students to develop their______.

A. creativity        B. create        C. creative        D. creatively

Question 37: I’ve never really enjoyed going to the ballet or the opera; they’re not really my______.

A. sweets and candy        B. biscuit        C. piece of cake        D. cup of tea

Question 38: ______of the financial crisis, all they could do was to hold on and hope that things would improve.

A. On the top        B. At the height        C. In the end        D. At the bottom

Question 39: When he______ us go in, we______ outside the exam room for over half an hour.

A. let - are standing                B. let - have stood

C. let - had been standing        D. let - have been standing

Question 40: Modem skyscrapers have got a steel skeleton of beams and columns that forms a three-dimensional grid, ______?

A. do they        B. do it        C. does it        D. haven’t they

Question 41: A recent survey identified the UK as______ place in Europe to buy a car.

A. an expensive as                B. the more expensive

C. the expensive                D. the most expensive

Question 42: If he improved his IT skills, he______ a job.

A. will easily get                B. would easily get

C. will easily have got        D. would easily have got

Question 43: While I______ at the bus stop, three buses went by in the opposite direction.

A. was waiting        B. waited        C. had waited        D. were waiting

Question 44: It was the first time I had had visitors______ I moved to London.

A. since        B. as        C. for        D. because

Question 45: They advised me______ visiting the troubled south of the country.

A. about        B. away        C. against        D. along

Question 46: The work that the students do______ the year will count towards their final degrees.

A. during        B. for        C. by        D. in

Question 47: Over the past 30 years, the average robot price______ by half in real terms, and even further relative to labor costs.

A. is fallen        B. has fallen        C. were fallen        D. have fallen

Question 48: Janet admitted______ the car without insurance.

A. to be driving        B. being driven        C. to have driven        D. having driven

Question 49: He should have his visa______ before it expires if he does not want to be deported.

A. extend        B. Extending        C. extended        D. extension

Question 50: Philip dressed in strange clothes and wore a mask on his face for a party. He was completely______. No one knew who he was.

A. recognizing        B. recognizable        C. unrecognizable        D. unrecognizing

Exercise 1.2Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: The Supreme Court decision______ the way for further legislation on civil rights.

A. made        B. took        C. gave        D. paved

Question 2: The packages just mailed at the post office will arrive on Monday, ______?

A. won't they        B. will they        C. did they        D. didn't they

Question 3: The government must______ strong measures against crime.

A. be seen be taking                B. see to be taking

C. be seen to be taking        D. seen to take

Question 4: When someone is down on their______, friends are not easy to find

A. mood        B. luck        C. fortune        D. merit

Question 5: Dubbing is used in film-making______ a new sound track to a motion picture.

A. add        B. to add        C. adding        D. added

Question 6: I've just taken______ sailing, and I'm going to do a special course next month.

A. to        B. over        C. up        D. after

Question 7: ______you happen to visit him, give him my best wishes.

A. Could        B. Would        C. Might        D. Should

Question 8: The new supermarket is much cheaper than the one in John Street. ______, they do free home deliveries.

A. Moreover        B. Consequently        C. Nevertheless        D. Instead

Question 9: Jimmy, dressed in jeans and a black leather jacket, arrived at the party ______his motorbike.

A. by        B. on        C. in        D. through

Question 10: I'm so sorry! I didn't break that necklace______.

A. in order        B. at a loss        C. for a change        D. on purpose

Question 11: ______, she managed to hide her feelings.

A. However jealous she felt        B. if she would feel jealous

C. Despite of her being jealous        D. In case she felt jealous

Question 12: The manager regrets______ that a lot of people will be made redundant by the company next year.

A. announcing        B. having announced        C. to announce        D. to have announced

Question 13: During the presentation, each______ can ask three questions to the guest speaker.

A. attendance        B. attentive        C. attendee        D. attend

Question 14: Today, some students tend______ the importance of soft skills as they solely focus on academic subjects at school.

A. to overlook        B. to overlooking        C. overlook        D. overlooking

Question 15: In some countries, many old-aged parents like to live in a nursing home. They want to______ independent lives.

A. give        B. take        C. keep        D. lead

Question 16: John found it hard to answer______.

A. so complicated a question        B. so complicated questions

C. such complicated a question        D. such complicated questions

Question 17: It was not______ the next morning that Mike began to think about where he was to go.

A. after        B. until        C. before        D. when

Question 18: Please, ______ with your presentation. I didn't mean to interrupt you.

A. carry out        B. carry on        C. come on        D. get off

Question 19: My purse______ at the station while I______ for the train.

A. must have been stolen/was waiting        B. should have stolen/had been waiting

C. will be stolen/am waiting        D. had to steal/would be waiting

Question 20: The handwriting is completely illegible. This note______ a long time ago.

A. must have been written        B. must have written

C. must write                D. must be writing

Question 21: I suggest our rooms______ before Tet Holiday.

A. should decorate        B. is decorated        C. were decorated        D. be decorated

Question 22: The curriculum at this public school is as good______ of any private school.

A. as or better that                B. as or better than that

C. as or better than those        D. better than

Question 23: “My suitcase seemed to get______ as I carried it along."

A. heavier and heavier        B. more and more heavy

C. heavier and heaviest        D. more and more heavier

Question 24: He'd hardly finished doing his homework when you arrived, ______?

A. didn't he        B. had he        C. would he        D. hadn’t he

Question 25: ______he arrived at the bus stop when the bus came.

A. Not until had        B. No longer had        C. Hardly had        D. No sooner had

Question 26: Beethoven, ______ music you have just been listening to, is one of my favorite composers.

A. who        B. whose        C. whom        D. which

Question 27: Be sure to ______ a real effort to answer all the questions the interviewer asks you.

A. hide        B. set        C. train        D. make

Question 28: We were made______ hard when we were at school.

A. to study        B. study        C. studying        D. studied

Question 29: Arranging flowers______ among my sister's hobbies.

A. were        B. have been        C. are        D. is

Question 30: We regret to tell you that the materials you ordered are______.

A. out of stock        B. out of reach        C. out of work        D. out of practice

Question 31: Laura didn't enjoy her first year at college because she failed to ______her new friends.

A. come in for        B. look down on        C. go down with        D. get on with

Question 32: If it had not rained last night, the roads in the city______ so slippery now.

A. must not be        B. would not be

C. could not have been        D. would not have been

Question 33: It is not until December 25th______the exam will be designed.

A. when        B. what        C. which        D. that

Question 34: ______ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.

A. Had you arrived        B. If you arrived        C. Were you arrived        D. If you hadn’t arrived

Question 35: When I was a child I always______ my father. He was a real role model for me.

A. looked down on        B. looked forward to        C. looked up to        D. looked out for

Question 36: There is no excuse for your late submission! You______ the report by last Monday.

A. should have finished        B. mightn’t have finished

C. needn’t have finished        D. must have finished

Question 37: "What's the matter? You don't look very well.” - "I feel a little under the ______today.”

A. storm        B. cloud        C. wind        D. weather

Question 38: My parents lent me the money. ______, I couldn’t have afforded the trip.

A. Therefore        B. Otherwise        C. Only if        D. However

Question 39: Mr. Paulson has three daughters of______ age, which concerns him much.

A. married        B. marriageable        C. marrying        D. unmarried

Question 40: If you’re lonely, you should go out and try to______ a friendship with someone you like.

A. take up        B. break up        C. hold up        D. strike up

Question 41: A lot of different conservation efforts have been made to save______ species.

A. endangered        B. dangerous        C. endanger        D. danger

Question 42: Geomorphology is the study of the changes______ take place on the surface of the earth.

A. that        B. these        C. what        D. whose

Question 43: My college graduation was a real______ day for my whole life.

A. red brick        B. red ink        C. red tape        D. red letter

Question 44: We moved to the front row______ we could hear and see better.

A. so as        B. so that        C. such        D. such that

Question 45: The company allows some customers to buy goods on______ and pay for them later.

A. card        B. cheque        C. credit        D. cash

Question 46: Mr. Park Hang Seo, a Korean coach, is considered a big______ in Vietnam football.

A. bread        B. cheese        C. sandwich        D. egg

Question 47: If it______ their encouragement, he could have given it up.

A. hadn’t been for                B. wouldn’t have been for

C. had been for                D. hadn’t been

Question 48: I am not sure how old he is but he must be______ for 70.

A. getting on        B. going by        C. getting up        D. going off

Question 49: Last year she earned______ her brother.

A. twice as much as        B. twice as many as        C. twice as more as        D. twice more than

Question 50: To avoid unnecessary injury, the coach insisted that the players tackling drills______ on the proper way to fall down.

A. focus        B. were focused        C. be focused        D. focused

Exercise 1.3Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: She is attending the seminar with a view to______ more qualifications.

A. acquire        B. acquiring        C. have acquired        D. having acquired

Question 2: ______every major judo title, Mark retired from international competition.

A. When he won        B. Having won        C. On winning        D. Winning

Question 3: When she______ her mistake, she apologized.

A. realized        B. realize        C. has realized        D. was realizing

Question 4: Not only______ among the largest animals that ever lived, but they are also among the most intelligent.

A. some whales        B. they are whales        C. whales        D. are whales

Question 5: ______, he couldn’t finish that test in 60 minutes.

A. Intelligent as was the boy        B. As intelligent the boy was

C. As the boy was intelligent        D. Intelligent as the boy was

Question 6: Over the last few months, garages______ the price of petrol three times.

A. have gone up        B. have put up        C. raised        D. have risen

Question 7: Final year students______ attend lectures. It’s optional.

A. shouldn’t        B. mustn’t        C. ought to        D. don’t have to

Question 8: Quite soon, the world is going to______ energy resources. 

A. come up against        B. keep up with        C. get into        D. run out of

Question 9: He has been waiting for this letter for days, and at______ it has come.

A. present        B. the moment        C. last        D. the end

Question 10: If only he______ accept some help with the work instead of trying to do it alone!

A. were        B. would        C. may        D. will

Question 11: But for his kind support, I______.

A. would not have succeeded        B. did not succeed

C. had not succeeded                D. would succeed

Question 12: - Jean: “Why didn’t you tell me about the plans for the merge?” - Jack: “I would have told you______.”

A. if you asked me to                B. had you asked me to

C. you had asked to me        D. you were asking me

Question 13: This year, so far, we______28,000 dollars and are still counting.

A. are raising        B. have been raised        C. have raised        D. raised

Question 14: It is now over seventy years since Lindbergh______ across the Atlantic.

A. has been flying        B. flew        C. had flown        D. has flown

Question 15: All applications to courses at tertiary institutions are made through UCAS, a central agency______ UK universities and colleges of higher education.

A. standing for        B. instead of        C. on behalf of        D. representative of

Question 16: ______to rent a flat, we set about contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city.

A. Deciding        B. Having decided        C. To decide        D. Decided

Question 17: Galileo proved that the earth______ round the sun.

A. goes        B. went        C. is going        D. was going

Question 18: We are considering______ for the coming festival.

A. having redecorated our flat        B. to redecorate our flat

C. having our flat redecorated        D. our flat to be

Question 19: Fire engines and ambulances have______ over other traffic.

A. prior        B. priority        C. before        D. precedence

Question 20: By the end of last March, I______ English for five years.

A. had been studied                B. had been studying

C. will have been studying        D. will have studied

Question 21: ______he hasn’t had any formal qualifications; he has managed to do very well.

A. Despite        B. Although        C. If        D. Whereas

Question 22: According to tradition, the first American Thanksgiving______ in 1621 by the English Pilgrims who had founded the Plymouth Colony.

A. celebrated        B. was celebrating        C. was celebrated        D. had been celebrated

Question 23: Tim looks so frightened and upset. He______ something terrible.

A. must experience                B. ought to have experienced

C. should have experienced        D. must have experienced

Question 24: We______ on the beach now if we hadn't missed the plane.

A. will lie        B. could be lying        C. will be lying        D. might have lain

Question 25: Interest in the project______ when they realized it wouldn't be profitable.

A. got off        B. broke down        C. rose up        D. fell off

Question 26: - “It has been very cold lately." - “Yes, but luckily the weather is changing for______.”

A. the better        B. the best        C. the worse        D. the worst

Question 27: It turned out that I______ have bought Frank a present after all.

A. oughtn't        B. mustn't        C. needn't        D. mightn't

Question 28: ______, Stan Lee, passed away at the age of 95 due to heart and respiratory failure.

A. Who is the Marvel Comics icon        B. Marvel Comics icon

C. The Marvel Comics icon is        D. That Marvel Comics icon

Question 29: The small white flowers are my favorite. They______ a wonderful honey smell that scents the entire garden.

A. give off        B. give out        C. give away        D. give up

Question 30: I've just been offered a new job! Things are______.

A. clearing up        B. making up        C. looking up        D. turning up

Question 31: The children had to______ in the principal's office after they took part in a fight.

A. hit the right notes                B. beat around the bush

C. play second fiddle                D. face the music

Question 32: I think I need to take my car to the mechanic because it's______ up again.

A. looking        B. bringing        C. turning        D. acting

Question 33: One of the leading schools of psychological thought in the 20th century was behaviorism, ______?

A. wasn't it        B. was it        C. weren't they        D. did they

Question 34: I think in the future there will be too many people in the world and not ______for everyone.

A. enough food        B. so many foods        C. too much food        D. food enough

Question 35: Gravity is the cause of the earth's spherical shape. In other______, it results in the earth's spherical shape.

A. ways        B. words        C. choices        D. letters

Question 36: Over the last century, there______ many significant changes in the way we live.

A. are        B. were        C. had been        D. have been

Question 37:______Alan for hours but he just doesn't answer his mobile. I hope nothing's wrong.

A. I call        B. I've been calling        C. I'm calling        D. I've called

Question 38: On being told about her sack, ______.

A. her boss felt sorry for Mary        B. Mary was shocked

C. Mary's face turned pale        D. her boss changed his attitude

Question 39: Now, don't tell anyone else what I have just told you. Remember it is

A. confidential        B. confident        C. confidence        D. confidant

Question 40: He bought three shirts; one for him and______ for his children.

A. others        B. the other        C. another        D. the others

Question 41: Let me please______ my memory before I get down to answering the questions.

A. resume        B. ease        C. awake        D. refresh

Question 42: This is______ the most difficult job I've ever had to do.

A. by heart        B. by chance        C. by far        D. by myself

Question 43: It'll take you over an hour to get to the city center in the______ hour.

A. rush        B. busy        C. run        D. crowded

Question 44: There is a rumor that The National Bank will______ the company I am working for.

A. take over        B. get off        C. throw away        D. make up

Question 45: The sign warns people______ the dangers of swimming in this river.

A. about        B. against        C. to        D. from

Question 46: They always kept on good______ with their next-door neighbors for the children's sake.

A. terms        B. friendship        C. relationship        D. words

Question 47: ______her fiction describes women in unhappy marriage.

A. Many of        B. A large number of        C. Much of        D. A few of

Question 48: The responsibility of the______ is to know how to discover, cure, rehabilitate the health both of the individuals and the community.

A. physics        B. physicist        C. physicality        D. physician

Question 49: Drinking too much alcohol is said to______ harm to our health

A. do        B. make        C. lead        D. take

Question 50: I'm said to be______ my brother is.

A. nowhere like so ambitious as        B. nothing near as ambitious as

C. nothing as ambitious as        D. nowhere near as ambitious as

Exercise 1.4Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: I feel terrible, I didn't sleep______ last night.

A. a jot        B. a wink        C. an inch        D. an eye

Question 2: Most children are______ of responding to positive communication, and of developing to their full potential.

A. capable        B. possible        C. feasible        D. likely

Question 3: The launch of the first liquid-fueled rocket in 1926 ______by flight historians______ as significant as the Wright Brothers' flight.

A. has considered/ to have been        B. was considered/ being

C. is considered/ to be        D. is considered/ to have been

Question 4: Only three of the students in my class are girls; ______ are all boys.

A. the others        B. other student        C. others        D. the other

Question 5: Although______, he has been to more than 30 countries in the world and gained a lot of knowledge.

A. his young age        B. young        C. his youth        D. he was young

Question 6: To protect______ hackers, security experts advise longer passwords ______combinations of upper and lowercase letters, as well as numbers.

A. from/to        B. on/between        C. against/in        D. against/with

Question 7: The incredible thing about telephone______ across the continents, but that you can recognize the other person's voice.

A. is it provides instant talking to each other.

B. is it allows people to talk instantly

C. is not that people can instantly talk to each other

D. is that people can talk instantly

Question 8: Jack has a collection of______.

A. old valuable Japanese postage stamps        B. old Japanese valuable postage stamps

C. valuable Japanese old postage stamps        D. valuable old Japanese postage stamps

Question 9: There are______ that not only governments but also individuals should join hand to tackle.

A. such a lot of environmental problems        B. too numerous environmental problems

C. so fewer environmental problems        D. such many environmental problems

Question 10: To solve this problem, it is advisable______.

A. a drastic measure to be adopted        B. that a drastic measure be adopted

C. that a drastic measure is adopted        D. that a drastic measure to be adopted

Question 11: She______ for her parents' support during her university education, but she preferred to work part-time and support herself.

A. must have asked        B. could have asked        C. should have asked        D. ought to ask

Question 12: After the interview, don't neglect the thank-you note or______ letter.

A. follow-up        B. turn-up        C. start-up        D. break-up

Question 13: ______the film's director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off the 85th Oscar's Best Director list of nominees surprised everyone.

A. What        B. Due to        C. Although        D. That

Question 14: The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is will and capable______ his financial situation.

A. regardless of        B. owing to        C. in terms of        D. with reference to

Question 15: Timmy dropped the______ on doing this task again because of his carelessness. I can't stand him anymore.

A. pin        B. needle        C. bottom        D. ball

Question 16: In some families, younger people seem more______ to save money than their parents.

A. supposed        B. objected        C. suspected        D. inclined

Question 17: Politicians______ blame the media if they don't win the election. They're so predictable.

A. variety        B. various        C. invariably        D. variable

Question 18: When the first child was born, they______ for three years.

A. have been married                B. had been married        

C. will be married                D. will have been married

Question 19: For holistic development schools should______ families as partners in their children's education.

A. draft        B. recruit        C. engage        D. enlist

Question 20: ______, I decided to stop trading with them.

A. Being the biggest dealer

B. Though being the biggest dealer

C. Despite of the fact that they were the biggest dealer

D. Even though they were the biggest dealer

Question 21: Only in the last few years______ to use home computers.

A. people have begun                B. when people began

C. have begun people                D. have people begun

Question 22: It is the recommendation of many counselors______ that their survival is attributed to their true love.

A. that Katniss convince the Mayor        B. that Katniss convinces the Capitol

C. the Capitol is convinced        D. that Katniss must convince the Capitol

Question 23: The authorities______ actions to stop illegal purchase of wild animals and their associated products effectively. However, they didn't do so.

A. should have taken                B. needed have taken        

C. must have taken                D. had to take

Question 24: ______in large quantities in the Middle East, oil became known as black gold because of the large profit it brought.

A. Discovered                B. Discovering

C. Which was discovered        D. That when discovered

Question 25: If a machine stops moving or working normally, you can say that it has

A. cut off        B. seized up        C. gone off        D. wiped out

Question 26: Last night, ______ nothing to watch on TV, we went out.

A. having had        B. being        C. there having        D. there being

Question 27: ______that he had no choice but to leave early.

A. He found himself in so embarrassing a situation

B. In such a situation he did find himself

C. In such a situation he found himself

D. He found himself in a situation where

Question 28: I refuse to believe a word of it, it's a cock-and-______story.

A. bull        B. hen        C. duck        D. goose

Question 29: It was very hot in Egypt, so we set______ at dawn to visit the Pyramids.

A. in        B. about        C. off        D. back

Question 30: Mrs. Kim is planning to attend the regional seminar, ______ it is not absolutely necessary that she be there.

A. whether        B. so that        C. because        D. although

Question 31: Xoan singing is a vocal art of villages in the ancestral land of Phu Tho. It has been______ for generations and the oral tradition is still very much alive today.

A. handed down        B. landed on        C. passed by        D. taken over

Question 32: Any pupil caught______ was made to stand at the front of the class.

A. misbehaved        B. misbehave        C. misbehavior        D. misbehaving

Question 33: There is______ in my bedroom.

A. an old square wooden table        B. a square wooden old table

C. an old wooden square table        D. a wooden old square table

Question 34: If I were in charge, I______ things differently.

A. had done        B. would do        C. would have done        D. will do

Question 35: The latest heritage at risk register revealed that 5,831 listed buildings, monuments, archaeological sites, and landscapes in England are at______ of being lost.

A. edge        B. risk        C. ease        D. danger

Question 36: Next year, I have to decide which area of medicine I want to______ in.

A. focus        B. hand        C. specialize        D. come

Question 37: I'd sooner you______ the completed form back as soon as possible.

A. send        B. sent        C. had sent        D. would send

Question 38: ______he had no money for a bus, he had to walk all the way home.

A. As        B. Thus        C. For        D. So

Question 39: The Complex of Hue Monuments was the first site in Viet Nam______ as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO.

A. recognized        B. to be recognized        C. recognizing        D. to recognize

Question 40: We need______ actions and interventions of the local authorities to prevent national parks from being destroyed by pollution.

A. timely        B. excitedly        C. reckless        D. threateningly

Question 41: After a six-year relation, Martha and Billy have decided to______.

A. break the bank        B. tie the knot        C. turn the page        D. make ends meet

Question 42: Being helpful is good, but don't allow others to______ advantage of your generosity.

A. get        B. take        C. use        D. make

Question 43: The higher the content of carbon dioxide in the air is, ______.

A. the most heat it retains        B. than it retains more heat

C. the more heat it retains        D. it retains more heat

Question 44: The biologists have found more than one thousand types of butterflies in the forest, ______ its special characteristics.

A. each one has        B. which has        C. each having        D. having

Question 45: If you are______ of hearing, these hearing aids will be invaluable.

A. poor        B. weak        C. hard        D. short

Question 46: ______Steve to help, I’m sure he would agree. He is so kind a person.

A. Even if you asked        B. If you ask        C. Were you to ask        D. Should you ask

Question 47: She wants to go shopping, but she has hardly______ money.

A. some        B. no        C. any        D. little

Question 48: The new airport has______ a lot of changes on this island.

A. brought about        B. taken to        C. counted in        D. turned up

Question 49: The new secretary is really asking for trouble, ______the boss’s requests like that.

A. to ignore        B. ignore        C. is ignoring        D. ignoring

Question 50: “I didn't know how to get to the post office, so I stopped______ the way."

A. to ask        B. asking        C. to be asked        D. being asked

Exercise 1.5Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: He was accused to theft, but then he______ as the real thief confessed to the police.

A. appeared in broad daylight        B. cleared his name

C. kept it up his sleeve        D. caught himself red-handed

Question 2: The government has made a big effort to tackle the two most important ______issues of our country.

A. society        B. socialize        C. sociable        D. social

Question 3: They have signed an agreement to protect the forests______ all over the world.

A. being cut down                B. that cut down

C. which are cut down        D. are being cut down

Question 4: Pat, put all your toys away______ someone slips and falls on them.

A. otherwise        B. in case        C. provided that        D. so long as

Question 5: Vietnam has played______ high spirits and had an impressive 2-0 victory over Yemen.

A. at        B. in        C. on        D. with

Question 6: By the time the software______ on sale next month, the company ______$2 million on developing it.

A. went - had spent                B. will go - has spent

C. has gone - will spend        D. goes - will have spent

Question 7: You said the books were on the shelf, but______ there.

A. there was no one        B. there were none        C. there were no one        D. was none

Question 8: The robbery last night took place in a______.

A. busily shopping street        B. busy street shopping

C. shopping busy street        D. busy shopping street

Question 9: ______back to her hometown, Julia found everything new and attractive.

A. When arrived        B. As she arrives        C. In arrival        D. On arriving

Question 10: The boys______ when they saw the police.

A. ran off        B. got off        C. gave away        D. made out

Question 11: Her classmates admire her so much because she has a clear______ mind.

A. analyze        B. analysis        C. analytical        D. analytics

Question 12: As it was a small house party, we______ so formally.

A. would not need to dress up        B. did not need to have dressed up

C. need not dress up                D. didn't need to dress up

Question 13: Her husband bought her______ when he went on holiday in Singapore last week.

A. a beautiful silk yellow scarf        B. a yellow beautiful silk scarf

C. a beautiful yellow silk scarf        D. a beautiful yellow scarf silk

Question 14: If Tom______ an alarm, the thieves wouldn't have broken into his house.

A. was installed        B. to install        C. had installed        D. have installed

Question 15: No worries! I will have your bicycle______ before returning it to you.

A. repaired        B. to repair        C. repairing        D. repair

Question 16: The meeting was attended by nearly one hundred scientists, several of ______were very young.

A. them        B. which        C. who        D. whom

Question 17: Jim usually looks happy, but today he has a long______. He must have had a quarrel with his best friend.

A. face        B. expression        C. chin        D. nose

Question 18: ______his poor English, he managed to communicate his problem very clearly.

A. Because        B. Even though        C. Because of        D. In spite of

Question 19: The policeman______ me off with a warning as it was New Year's Eve.

A. sent        B. gave        C. let        D. set

Question 20: Someone must have taken my keys. I clearly remember______ them by the window and now they are nowhere to be seen.

A. leaving        B. to leave        C. to be leaving        D. to have left

Question 21: I have left my book in______ kitchen and I would like you to get it for me.

A. the        B. a        C. Ø        D. an

Question 22: If a drop of oil is placed in a glass of water, it______ to the top.

A. floats        B. would float        C. does float        D. should float

Question 23: When Carol______ last night, I______ my favorite show on television.

A. called / was watching        B. had called / watched

C. called / have watched        D. was calling / watched

Question 24: ______what she prepared for the job interview; Megan didn’t pass it.

A. Despite of        B. In spite of        C. Though        D. However

Question 25: Why are you always so jealous______ other people?

A. in        B. of        C. below        D. on

Question 26: ______the age of 21, he was able to gamble in Las Vegas.

A. When reached        B. Upon reaching        C. Reached        D. As reaching

Question 27: Although______ by the bravery of his fellow soldiers, Bloch had harsh words for the army leadership.

A. was impressed        B. impressed        C. having impressed        D. impressing

Question 28: Sandra hated______ though she didn’t say a word.

A. photographing                B. to being photographed

C. being photographed        D. being photograph

Question 29: Many countries’ cultural______ is a result of taking in immigrants from all over the world.

A. diverse        B. diversified        C. diversify        D. diversity

Question 30: ______is imperative in your new job. The director disapproves of being late.

A. Being on time        B. Having time        C. Taking time        D. Keeping time

Question 31: His speech______ little or no relation to the topic given.

A. was        B. reflected        C. gave        D. bore

Question 32: Any candidates caught______ in the examination will be disqualified.

A. cheating        B. deceiving        C. conjuring        D. deluding

Question 33: - "How is your flu?" - "It's gone from bad to______, I'm afraid.”

A. worse        B. bad        C. worst        D. badly

Question 34: - “You seem to know this area very well.” - "Yes, I______ here."

A. am used to living        B. used to living        C. used to live        D. had used to live

Question 35: The head teacher has asked me to take the new boy under my______ and look after him.

A. sleeves        B. arm        C. wing        D. cloak

Question 36: Make sure you mix the ingredients well, ______ you might get lumps in your cake.

A. supposing        B. otherwise        C. provided        D. unless

Question 37: More than 80 people came to the exhibition, many of______ children had pictures on the walls.

A. whose        B. whom        C. who        D. which

Question 38: You'll have to______ a better idea than that if you want to win.

A. come in for        B. come up with        C. bring out        D. get down to

Question 39: I demand to know how this vase______, and no one is leaving till I find out.

A. got broken        B. was breaking        C. has broken        D. is broke

Question 40: The boy has a collection of______.

A. old valuable Australian postage stamp        B. old Australian valuable postage stamp

C. valuable Australian old postage stamp        D. valuable old Australian postage stamp

Question 41: You may find doing this job very______. Try it!

A. relaxing        B. relaxed        C. relax        D. relaxation

Question 42: Turn off this machine, please. The harsh sound really______ me crazy.

A. bothers        B. drives        C. worries        D. takes

Question 43: ______one day by a passing car, the dog never walked properly again.

A. Having injured        B. To be injured        C. Injured        D. Injuring

Question 44: Many companies______ to take part in the illegal logging.

A. denied        B. refused        C. protested        D. rejected

Question 45: May had her room painted black. It looks dark and dreary. She______ another color.

A. should have chosen        B. must choose

C. should choose                D. must have chosen

Question 46: Just think! Next month you'll be______ and it seems like only yesterday you were a baby.

A. in your teens        B. in your teenage        C. teenager        D. at your teens

Question 47: It's very important that we______ as soon as there's any change in the patient's condition.

A. be notified        B. being notified        C. be it notified        D. were notified

Question 48: Jessica was born in Australia, but she has spent______ of her life there.

A. very little        B. only a few        C. a few        D. a little

Question 49: She hasn’t read any technological books or articles on the subject for a long time. She’s afraid that she may be______ with recent developments.

A. out of touch        B. out of condition        C. out of reach        D. out of the question

Question 50: Before a long journey, people normally take their cars to service stations to______.

A. keep the oil refill                B. make the oil refilled

C. have the oil refill                D. get the oil refilled

Exercise 1.6Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: The online game “Dumb ways to die” quickly______ with young people after being released in 2013.

A. took on        B. caught up        C. caught on        D. took up

Question 2: No one on the plane was alive in the accident last night, ______?

A. wasn’t he        B. weren’t they        C. were they        D. was he

Question 3: “Have you seen Jack? He’s the man wearing a______ bow tie.”

A. woolen lovely red        B. lovely red woolen        C. lovely woolen red        D. red lovely woolen

Question 4: The more you practice speaking in public, ______.

A. the more you become confident        B. the more you become confidently

C. the greater confidence you become        D. the more confident you become

Question 5: He looks for any excuse he can to blow off his______ to do housework.

A. commitment        B. obligation        C. assignment        D. responsibility

Question 6: “You______ the report yesterday as the director won’t need it until next week.”

A. should have finished        B. needn’t have finished

C. could have finished        D. mustn’t have finished

Question 7: It is hardly possible to______ the right decision all the time.

A. do        B. arrive        C. make        D. take

Question 8: Not until he______ did he realize that he was adopted by his parents.

A. has grown up        B. grew up        C. grows up        D. had grown up

Question 9: Peter: “Have you ever been to a live concert?” Mary: “No, I haven’t. But I’d very much like to, ______.”

A. yet        B. although        C. though        D. moreover

Question 10: They have planted a row of trees______ a natural protection from the sun’s ray.

A. that form        B. formed        C. that is formed        D. forming

Question 11: Of all the world’s major oceans, ______ Arctic Ocean is the shallowest.

A. an        B. the        C. a        D. Ø 

Question 12: ______as the representative at the conference, she felt extremely proud of herself.

A. Be chosen                B. Having been chosen

C. On choosing                D. Having chosen

Question 13: We need to send to the conference a representative that we can______.

A. find out        B. count on        C. catch on        D. stand for

Question 14: Unless you______ all of my questions, I can’t do anything to help you.

A. answered        B. answer        C. don’t answer        D. are answering

Question 15: He______ a terrible accident while he______ along Ben Luc Bridge. 

A. see / am walking                B. saw / was walking

C. was seeing / walked        D. have seen / were walking

Question 16: We all felt cold, wet and hungry; ______, we were lost.

A. moreover        B. although        C. however        D. so that

Question 17: The public are concerned______ the increasing crime rates in the city.

A. with        B. at        C. about        D. for

Question 18: Standing on top of the hill, ______.

A. people have seen a castle far away        B. lies a castle in the middle of the island

C. a castle can be seen from the distance        D. we can see a castle in the distance

Question 19: ______one of the most beautiful forms of performance art, ballet is a combination of dance and mime performed to music

A. Being considering        B. Considering        C. Considered        D. To consider

Question 20: I was enjoying my book, but I stopped______ a programme on TV.

A. reading to watch                B. to read to watch

C. to read for watching        D. reading for to watch

Question 21: The______ dressed woman in the advertisement has a posed smile on her face.

A. stylish        B. stylishly        C. stylistic        D. stylistically

Question 22: Helen was surprised to see me at the party on my own and wanted to know why Bob______ with me.

A. wouldn't come        B. hadn't come        C. hasn't come        D. didn't come

Question 23: Make sure you______ us a visit when you are in town again.

A. give        B. do        C. pay        D. have

Question 24: She does not speak our language and______ she seems to understand what we say.

A. yet        B. so        C. for        D. however

Question 25: It is essential that the government______ money to everybody who does not have enough for day-to-day expenses.

A. gave        B. is giving        C. give        D. would give

Question 26: ______are that stock price will go up in the coming months.

A. Conditions        B. Opportunities        C. Possibilities        D. Chances

Question 27: - "Do you want to paint with a long or short brush?" - "I don't mind, ______will do."

A. either        B. neither        C. others        D. something else

Question 28: Though______, he prefers to teach his children in mother tongue.

A. he was in a foreign country        B. in a foreign country

C. had been in foreign country        D. to be in foreign country

Question 29: If the weather______ so bad, we would have gone out.

A. had been        B. weren’t        C. isn’t        D. hadn’t been

Question 30: I clearly remember______ to the nearby zoo when I was small.

A. being taken        B. to be taken        C. to be taking        D. taking

Question 31: If you do what you tell others, they______ in you.

A. would believe        B. won’t believe        C. believe        D. will believe

Question 32: This is the man______ car was stolen last week.

A. whom        B. that        C. which        D. whose

Question 33: In order to______ your goals, you need to invest the maximum amount of time, effort and energy in your studies.

A. manage        B. achieve        C. catch        D. establish

Question 34: Peter______ opened the door of cellar, wondering what he might find.

A. cautious        B. cautiously        C. cautional        D. cautionally

Question 35: Under no circumstances______ anything that will benefit ourselves but at the same time harm the interests of others.

A. should we do        B. we should do        C. would do we        D. we would do

Question 36: ______more water than the ground can absorb, the excess water flows to the lowest level, carrying loose material.

A. Any area receiving        B. When might any area receive

C. Whenever any area receives        D. If any area is receiving

Question 37: When I woke up this morning, my mum______ for work already.

A. was leaving        B. has left        C. had left        D. left

Question 38: ______, she fainted and it was half an hour before she came round again.

A. On hearing the news        B. To have heard the news

C. She had heard the news        D. Just heard the news

Question 39: Do you have any objections______ this new road scheme?

A. for        B. with        C. at        D. to

Question 40: ______New York is not the capital of the USA; it is the home of the United Nations.

A. In spite of        B. Because        C. Although        D. Otherwise

Question 41: She is______ eldest in her house, so she has to look after her brothers when her parents go out.

A. the        B. a        C. an        D. 0 

Question 42: The closer we are to our trip to Boston, the______ my students become.

A. more exciting                B. more excited

C. more and more exciting        D. more and more excited

Question 43: ______the storm, the ship would have reached its destination on time.

A. But for        B. In case of        C. In spite of        D. Because of

Question 44: As we walked past, we saw John______ his car.

A. repairing        B. to be repairing        C. to repair        D. being repairing

Question 45: She needs two letters of recommendation. She'll ask the director for one, and she'll ask one of the teachers at the institute for______.

A. the other        B. other        C. others        D. the others

Question 46: Alex was______ enough on becoming a professional sportsman and he didn't want to listen to anyone else's advice.

A. certain        B. eager        C. definite        D. intent

Question 47: As a result of his father's death, he______ a lot of money.

A. came into        B. came over        C. came to        D. came through

Question 48: The school drama club is______ a play for the school's anniversary, which is due to take place next month.

A. turning up        B. bringing down        C. putting on        D. making off

Question 49: The policeman______ him to appear as a witness.

A. let        B. discouraged        C. made        D. compelled

Question 50: I caught______ of a lion lying under the tree, and my heart jumped.

A. view        B. sight        C. look        D. scene

Exercise 1.7Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: They______ the bridge by the time you come back.

A. will finish        B. will have finished        C. will be finished        D. have finished

Question 2: Show me the house______.

A. where they are living in        B. which they are living

C. where they are living there        D. where they are living

Question 3: He______ to study harder if he wants to pass the exam. I hear it is going to be very difficult this year.

A. should        B. must        C. need        D. ought

Question 4: A previously unknown scientist from Australia______ a way to harvest energy from the ocean waves. Many people are excited by the implication of his discovery.

A. had already discovered        B. is going to discover

C. has been discovering        D. has just discovered

Question 5: We were lucky to be able to finish the project ahead______ schedule.

A. by        B. before        C. of        D. for

Question 6: I don’t feel like buying a______ in a poke; we’d better check the content.

A. ox        B. pig        C. buffalo        D. cattle

Question 7: I don’t know what it______ to be as popular with girls as my brother is.

A. uses        B. takes        C. demands        D. expects

Question 8: Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent______ you respond to it.

A. that        B. whether        C. what        D. which

Question 9: I was most______ of his efforts to help me during the crisis.

A. appreciative        B. appreciable        C. appreciation        D. appreciate

Question 10: The phone______ constantly since Jack won the first prize this morning.

A. had been ringing        B. has been ringing        C. had rung        D. rang

Question 11: The child was______ by a lorry on the safety crossing in the main street.

A. knocked down        B. knocked out        C. run across        D. collided with

Question 12: To save the Hawaiian condor______ extinction, a group of federal, local, and private organizations initiated a rescue program.

A. to        B. from        C. for        D. of

Question 13: Compressed air______ the power to drive pneumatic tools.

A. providing        B. to provide        C. which provides        D. provides

Question 14: I asked Angela to run the office while I’m gone______ I know I can depend on her.

A. since        B. unless        C. although        D. therefore

Question 15: Why don’t you just say you______ calling him a fool and make things up?

A. pity        B. mercy        C. sorry        D. regret

Question 16: Most folk songs are ballads______ have simple words and tell simple stories.

A. what        B. that        C. although        D. when

Question 17: Most of the ____________in this workshop do not work very seriously or productively.

A. eager beavers        B. old hand        C. rank and file        D. tooth and nail

Question 18: Amber is a hard, yellowish brown______ from the resin of pine-trees that lived millions of years ago.

A. substance formed                B. forming a substance

C. substance has formed        D. to form a substance

Question 19: Many a delegate was in favor of his proposal that a special committee ______to investigate the incident.

A. was set up        B. was setting up        C. set up        D. be set up

Question 20: Mr. Pike______ English at our school for 20 years before he retired last year.

A. was teaching        B. has been teaching        C. is teaching        D. had been teaching

Question 21: I used to______ reading comics, but now I’ve grown out of it.

A. take a fancy with        B. keep an eye on        C. get a kick out of        D. kick up a fuss about

Question 22: She built a high wall around her garden______.

A. to enable people not taking her fruit        B. so that her fruit would be stolen

C. to prevent her fruit from being stolen        D. in order that her fruit not be stolen

Question 23: You______ no trouble at school today if you had done your homework.

A. have        B. will have        C. would have        D. had

Question 24: “These beers are ______!” whispered the grinning tenant to his customers on Sunday

A. on the shelf        B. on the house        C. on the rocks        D. on the carpet

Question 25: When finding a new house, parents should______ all the conditions for their children’s education and entertainment.

A. take into account                B. make all the conditions

C. get a measure of                D. put into effect

Question 26: Whenever he had an important decision to make, he______ a cigar to calm his nerves.

A. would light        B. would be lighting        C. would have lit        D. had lit

Question 27: Gardeners transplant bushes and flowers by moving them from one place to______.

A. other        B. others        C. another        D. each other

Question 28: A: “Do you have a copy of The Last Leaf?” B: “You are______ luck. I have just one copy left.”

A. of        B. with        C. in        D. at

Question 29: It is important that he______ a gallon of water with him if he wants to hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

A. taking        B. takes        C. took        D. take

Question 30: His financial problems______ from the difficulties he encountered in the recession.

A. stem        B. flourish        C. root        D. sprout

Question 31: The more you study during this semester, ______ the week before the exam.

A. you have to study the less        B. the less you have to study

C. the least you have to study        D. the study less you have

Question 32: Duy Hieu won the gold medal at the National Examination. His parents ______very proud of him.

A. could have been        B. can’t have        C. can’t be        D. must have been

Question 33: He finds time for them, always being prepared to lend a sympathetic ______or give some friendly confidential advice.

A. ear        B. hand        C. nose        D. heart

Question 34: Only when you become a parent______ what true responsibility is.

A. don’t you understand        B. will you understand

C. you understand                D. you will understand

Question 35: We regret to inform you that Ms. Markowitz’s workshop on public speaking______ postponed until next week.

A. has been        B. were        C. would be        D. being

Question 36: I don’t think students who volunteer in high school will continue to volunteer throughout their lives, ______?

A. don’t they        B. will they        C. do they        D. won’t they

Question 37: Children are told to be______ for the whole week and promised to be rewarded at weekends.

A. obedient        B. obedience        C. disobedient        D. obey

Question 38: ______, one tin will last for at least six weeks.

A. Using economical                B. Used economically

C. Used economical                D. Using economically

Question 39: The audience, ______, enjoyed the performance.

A. they themselves were students        B. most of whom were students

C. most of them were students        D. they were mostly students

Question 40: It is the organizer’s request that______.

A. everyone arrive here in time        B. everyone shall arrive here in time

C. everyone must arrive here in time        D. everyone arrives here in time

Question 41: You______ into things and breaking them. How can anyone be so clumsy?

A. always bumping                B. are always bumping

C. always bump                D. always bumps

Question 42: The people awaiting their delayed flight had to spend the night______ on the cold floor.

A. slept        B. having slept        C. to sleep        D. sleeping

Question 43: I never take much on holiday with me, just______ clothes and a couple of books.

A. a little        B. few        C. a few        D. little

Question 44: The more you talk about the matter, ______.

A. the worse the situation seems        B. the worse seem the situation

C. the situation seems worse        D. the situation seems the worse

Question 45: That______ is the commonest form of color - blindness.

A. red and green are not easily distinguished

B. they are not easily distinguished red and green

C. are the red and green not easily distinguished

D. are not easily distinguished red and green

Question 46: The eyewitness said that she had seen______ the scene of the crime.

A. leaving a tall man                B. a tall man to leave

C. a tall man leaving                D. leave a tall man

Question 47: ______of the tennis players served well in the singles final.

A. Either        B. Any        C. Neither        D. None

Question 48: It was an amazing victory as it was only the second time______ in a marathon.

A. she had competed                B. for her to compete

C. she competes                D. of competing

Question 39: In terms of GDP (Gross Domestic Product), Tokyo is much______ than Paris.

A. more wealthier        B. most wealthy        C. wealthiest        D. wealthier

Question 50: “I think I can find the information on my own.” - “______any help, just call me.”

A. Should you need        B. Had you needed        C. Were you to need        D. In case of you need

Exercise 1.8Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: What will happen when the world______ oil?

A. makes off with        B. runs out of        C. loses out on        D. goes through with

Question 2: I would suggest______ to your doctor before you diet.

A. you to speak        B. that you speaking        C. you speak        D. to speak

Question 3: Mum was angry because I went out when I______.

A. should have been studying        B. needn’t have studied

C. must study                D. didn’t need to study

Question 4: We had a(n)______opportunity to train with the best coach.

A. unique        B. once        C. only        D. lone

Question 5: The translator______ I have told you about has just moved to my neighborhood.

A. which        B. whose        C. whom        D. where

Question 6: The plane left on time so we______ long.

A. didn’t need to wait        B. needn’t have waited

C. mustn’t have waited        D. shouldn’t have waited

Question 7: Susan will graduate in June______ she submits her dissertation on time.

A. otherwise        B. unless        C. supposing        D. provided

Question 8: Jane is a sympathetic listener. She lent me a(n)______when I lost my job.

A. eye        B. ear        C. mouth        D. mind

Question 9: ______ school fees may discourage many students from attending university.

A. Raising        B. Improving        C. Gaining        D. Receiving

Question 10: By the end of last June, I______ English for five years.

A. studied        B. was studying        C. had studied        D. has studied

Question 11: If she didn’t have to work today, she______ her children to zoo.

A. will take        B. takes        C. would have taken        D. would take

Question 12: Tom regrets______ too much time______ computer games last night.

A. spending - to play                B. spending – playing

C. to spend - playing                D. spend - play

Question 3: You will have a good feeling about yourself and______ when you do voluntary work.

A. others        B. the others        C. other        D. the other

Question 14: I’ll introduce to you the man______ support is very necessary for your project.

A. whose        B. whom        C. that        D. who

Question 15: ______interested in that subject, I would try to learn more about it.

A. Were I        B. Should I        C. I was        D. If I am

Question 16: If oil supplies run out in 2050 then we need to find______ energy sources soon.

A. alternating        B. alternate        C. altering        D. alternative

Question 17: It's not a good idea to try to sit and study______ for a long period of time.

A. continue        B. continuing        C. continually        D. continuously

Question 18: These days more and more people are aware______ the importance of protecting endangered species.

A. with        B. on        C. of        D. up

Question 19: The______ in my neighborhood are well cared by the authorities.

A. disabilities        B. unable        C. disabled        D. inability

Question 20: We don't know why she continues______ all Mr. Nelson's invitations to dinner.

A. turning down        B. passing down        C. closing down        D. looking down

Question 21: It was advisable that he______ there alone. It was too dangerous.

A. hadn’t gone        B. didn’t go        C. doesn’t go        D. not go

Question 22: Everybody is tired of watching the same commercials on TV every night, ______?

A. aren’t they        B. haven’t they        C. are they        D. don’t they

Question 23: Hundreds of people______ to see the stone sculpture at the foot of the mountain.

A. brought out        B. closed down        C. saw through        D. turned up

Question 24: Each of us must take______ for our own actions.

A. responsibility        B. possibility        C. probability        D. ability

Question 25: Her fiancé is said______ from Harvard University five years ago.

A. to have graduated        B. to be graduated        C. being graduated        D. having graduated

Question 26: In spite of all the difficulties the Vietnam team did succeed______ climbing Mt. Everest.

A. of        B. in        C. at        D. with

Question 27: Peter can't decide when______ with his parents about his future career.

A. to discuss        B. is discussing        C. will discuss        D. discussing

Question 28: We are going to do a quick quiz______ is about the history of English.

A. who        B. where        C. why        D. that

Question 29: It's an hour since he______, so he must be at the office now.

A. is leaving        B. was leaving        C. has left        D. left

Question 30: People should not have children unless they are ______to being responsible parents.

A. promised        B. involved        C. allowed        D. committed

Question 31: Ms. Brown asked me______ in my class.

A. were there how many students        B. how many students there were

C. there were how many students        D. how many students were there

Question 32: With greatly increased workloads, everyone is______ pressure now.

A. under        B. out of        C. above        D. upon

Question 33: As there were too many participants at the seminar, the main speaker ______them into four smaller groups for discussion.

A. divided        B. submitted        C. enrolled        D. provided

Question 34: Hurry up or you______ the first lesson.

A. had missed        B. miss        C. have missed        D. will miss

Question 35: Her first novel has been______ acclaimed as a masterpiece.

A. nation        B. international        C. internationally        D. national

Question 36: I______ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.

A. am walking        B. walk        C. was walking        D. walked

Question 37: The families______ houses were washed away by the tsunami were given temporary shelter in the school yard.

A. whose        B. where        C. whom        D. that

Question 38: I don't know exactly Mr. Lam's age, but I'm sure he's______ than my grandfather.

A. elder        B. more elderly        C. older        D. more older

Question 39: The tradition of having dinner together on the last day of the lunar year has been______ from generation to generation.

A. passed down        B. taken off        C. given up        D. broken with

Question 40: The weather was perfect when we______ but it was raining when we got back.

A. brought out        B. got on        C. turned up        D. set off

Question 41: I'd rather you______ make any comment on the issue for the time being.

A. don't        B. wouldn't        C. didn't        D. shouldn't

Question 42: Youth Unemployment Rate in Vietnam______ to 7.29 percent in the third quarter of 2018 from 7.10 percent in the second quarter of 2018.

A. increase        B. was increasing        C. has increased        D. had increased

Question 43: It's no use______ make him______ his mind.

A. trying to/ change                B. to try/ change

C. trying to/ to change        D. trying to/ changing

Question 44: For centuries people have regarded oceans______ an inexhaustible supply of food, a useful transport route, and a convenient dumping ground - simply too vast to be affected by anything we do.

A. with        B. by        C. of        D. as

Question 45: ______stress is thought to be linked in some ways to all of the risk factors, intense research continues in the hope of further comprehending why and how heart failure is triggered.

A. By means of        B. Though        C. Despite        D. Due to

Question 46: The poor man was driven from______ for justice, but his efforts were of no avail.

A. pillar to post        B. top to bottom        C. stem to stem        D. hand to mouth

Question 47: You should be very glad that he didn't recognize you yesterday. Can you imagine his anger if he______?

A. did        B. would        C. does        D. had

Question 48: It is difficult for present-day readers ______ Sister Carrie was withdrawn from circulation at the turn of the century.

A. to understand the novel        B. why to understand the novel

C. the novel to understand why        D. to understand why the novel

Question 49: - “You have wasted so much time. Why didn't you ask me?" - “I know how to do it. You______ me.”

A. shouldn't have shown        B. needn't have shown

C. didn't need to show        D. mustn't show

Question 50: ______ by mosquitoes, we wished that we had made hotel, not campsite, reservations.

A. As eaten        B. Eaten        C. When eaten        D. That we were eaten

Exercise 1.9Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: To be successful, an artist must show great______.

A. origin        B. origins        C. original        D. originality

Question 2: She was sitting on the grass, out of breath. She______. She shouldn't have run so long.

A. was running        B. had run home        C. had been running        D. ran

Question 3: When you have______ what I have said, you will understand.

A. known of        B. thought over        C. thought about        D. made out

Question 4: Linda rarely goes to school by bike, but today she______ a bike.

A. rides        B. is riding        C. is going to ride        D. will ride

Question 5: John has worked very late at night these days, ______ he is physically exhausted.

A. yet        B. hence        C. because        D. so

Question 6: I agree______ one point with Chris: it will be hard for us to walk 80km.

A. in        B. of        C. on        D. for

Question 7: ______, the ancient place is still popular with modem tourists.

A. Building thousands of years ago        B. It was built thousands of years ago

C. To have built thousands of years ago        D. Built thousands of years ago

Question 8: Once______ in the UK, the book will definitely win a number of awards in regional book fairs.

A. is published        B. having published        C. published        D. publishing

Question 4: Your hair needs______. You’d better have it done tomorrow.

A. cut        B. to cut        C. being cut        D. cutting

Question 10: We have to______ the total cost before we buy the house.

A. add up        B. work out        C. get at        D. account for

Question 11: The prime minister will impose a tariff______ domestic interests are being threatened by a flood of imports.

A. in spite of        B. despite        C. ever since        D. as

Question 12: Daniel______ a better understanding of Algebra than we do.

A. makes        B. has        C. takes        D. gives

Question 13: Nowadays women are increasingly involved______ the public life.

A. of        B. in        C. with        D. from

Question 14: The food mother is cooking in the kitchen______ delicious.

A. is smelling        B. smells        C. is smelled        D. smelling

Question 15: The sight of his face brought______ to me how ill he really was.

A. place        B. house        C. life        D. home

Question 16: Don't worry - you'll learn how to use this computer program in no time. It's______.

A. a piece of cake                B. bearing fruit

C. proof in the pudding        D. food for thought

Question 17: You______ the washing-up, I could have done it for you.

A. needn’t have done                B. couldn’t have done

C. mustn’t have done                D. hadn’t to do

Question 18: Jim’s______ flu again. That’s the third time this year.

A. put up with        B. gone down with        C. led up to        D. come up with

Question 19: Although he was______, he agreed to play tennis with me.

A. exhaustive        B. exhausting        C. exhausted        D. exhaustion

Question 20: - “Do you like the weather here?” - “I wish it______.”

A. doesn’t rain        B. won’t rain        C. hadn’t rained        D. didn’t rain

Question 21: She______ on her computer for more than two hours when she decided to stop for a rest.

A. was working        B. has worked        C. had been working        D. has been working

Question 22: ______the weather forecast it will rain heavily later this morning.

A. According to        B. Due to        C. On account of        D. Because of

Question 23: Global warming will result______ crop failures and famine.

A. in        B. of        C. from        D. to

Question 24: “Never say that again, ______?”

A. don’t you        B. will you        C. do you        D. won’t you

Question 25: Hardly______ when the argument began.

A. he had arrived        B. than he arrived        C. when he arrived        D. had he arrived

Question 26: I______ my mom by cooking dinner for her.

A. felt like        B. waited for        C. looked up        D. cheered up

Question 27: ______has she behaved like that before.

A. Never        B. Only by        C. For        D. When

Question 28: He found ______to answer all the questions within the time given.

A. it impossible        B. it impossibly        C. that impossible        D. that impossibly

Question 29: ______anything suspicious arise, please let me know at once.

A. Did        B. Should        C. Would        D. Can

Question 30: I am not really______ this kind of music. I prefer music you can dance to.

A. in        B. for        C. into        D. with

Question 31: ______as a masterpiece, a work of art must transcend the ideals of the period in which it was created.

A. In order to be ranking        B. Ranking

C. Being ranked                D. To be ranked

Question 32: Eighty kilometers is the______ fifty miles.

A. equivalent of        B. equivalent from        C. equal of        D. equal to

Question 33: Smith had a lucky escape. He______ killed.

A. shouldn’t have been        B. should have been

C. must have been                D. could have been

Question 34: Neither of the boys came to school yesterday, ______?

A. didn’t they        B. does they        C. did they        D. doesn’t they

Question 35: A few days ago, I______ a very rare CD while I was looking for a gift to give my friend.

A. came across        B. brought up        C. took off        D. blew up

Question 36: The old man warned the young boys______ in the deep river.

A. not to swimming        B. don’t swim        C. to swim        D. against swimming

Question 37: The manager scolded the new employee so fiercely that he______ in tears, leaving the room in a hurry.

A. got down        B. went on        C. took over        D. broke down

Question 38: If Tim______ so fast, his car wouldn't have crashed into a tree.

A. haven’t driven        B. didn’t drive        C. drives        D. hadn’t driven

Question 39: ______, he won the bid for the shopping mall construction.

A. For his business to go bankrupt        B. Whereas his business was good

C. As long as he went up in business        D. Just as the business was about to go under

Question 40: Not only______ in the field of psychology but animal behavior is examined as well.

A. is human behavior studied        B. is studied human behavior

C. human behavior                D. human behavior is studied

Question 41: Luckily, the rain______ so we were able to play the match.

A. watered down        B. gave out        C. got away        D. held off

Question 42: All nations should______ hands to work out a plan to solve the problem of global warming.

A. shake        B. join        C. lend        D. hold

Question 43: He asked me______ that film the night before.

A. if had I seen        B. that I saw        C. had I seen        D. if I had seen

Question 44: Paul has just sold his______ car and intends to buy a new one.

A. black old Japanese                B. Japanese old black

C. old black Japanese                D. old Japanese black

Question 45: I know we had an argument, but now I’d quite like to______.

A. fall out        B. make up        C. look down        D. bring up

Question 46: In many families the important decisions are______ by women.

A. done        B. made        C. arrived        D. given

Question 47: Air pollution is getting______ serious in big cities in the world.

A. more and more                B. the most and the most

C. most and most                D. the more and the more

Question 48: If I______ that there was a test yesterday, I would not be punished now.

A. knew        B. have known        C. had known        D. would know

Question 49: What______ lovely weather we are having! It's such a nice day!

A. a        B. an        C. 0        D. the

Question 50: The students don’t know how to do the exercises______ by the teacher yesterday.

A. who given        B. is giving        C. which given        D. given

Exercise 1.10Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 1: Let's go out for a walk, ______?

A. let we        B. don't we        C. do we        D. shall we

Question 2: Scarcely had he stepped out of the room______ he heard a loud laughter within.

A. until        B. then        C. than        D. when

Question 3: Anne hoped______ to join the private club. She could make important business contact here.

A. to be invited        B. to invite        C. being invited        D. inviting

Question 4: Don’t be late for the class often, ______ people will think you are a disobedient student.

A. otherwise        B. if not        C. or so        D. unless

Question 5: They did not wish to leave but felt that they______.

A. had to        B. were having to        C. were enforced to        D. had compulsion to

Question 6: She quit her job because she was not______ with her salary.

A. contented        B. delicate        C. serious        D. grateful

Question 7: My father continued______ although the doctor advised him______ the habit several times.

A. to smoke/ quit                B. for smoking/ of quitting

C. smoke/ quitting                D. smoking/ to quit

Question 8: The ground is wet. It______ heavily.

A. rained        B. has rained        C. has been raining        D. had been rained

Question 9: Why not look up the new word in a dictionary______ you don’t know it?

A. though        B. that        C. if        D. whether

Question 10: John would be taking a great risk if he______ his money in that business.

A. invested        B. had invested        C. invests        D. would invest

Question 11: Children are fond of balloons______ different sizes and colors.

A. for        B. of        C. on        D. at

Question 12: Words cannot always give the measure of one's feelings. The depth of one's feelings is sometimes______.

A. measurable        B. unmeasured        C. measuring        D. immeasurable

Question 13: “Do you think that reducing class sizes would______ standards in our school?”

A. pull        B. boost        C. rise        D. raise

Question 14: We are having a surprise party for Susan next Saturday, so don’t______ the secret away by saying anything to her.

A. throw        B. give        C. put        D. pass

Question 15: By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope______ painting and decorating the new nursery.

A. having been finished        B. to have finished

C. to have been finished        D. having finished

Question 16: The traffic jam is______ thousands of daily commuters into Hanoi.

A. putting back        B. holding up        C. doing up        D. owning up

Question 17: Such approaches should be supported and mainstreamed in health interventions in order to______ positive behavior changes.

A. put off        B. bring about        C. hold up        D. set off

Question 18: They continued waving until the train was______.

A. out of mind        B. out of sight        C. in order        D. off road

Question 19: No matter______ people come tonight; we'll have a great time!

A. how many        B. whoever        C. what kind        D. how much

Question 20: Although we had told them not to keep us waiting, they made no______ to speed up deliveries.

A. comment        B. action        C. attempt        D. progress

Question 21: You really dropped______ the other day when you told Brian you’d seen his wife at the cinema. He thought she was at her mother’s.

A. a plank        B. a log        C. a brick        D. a stone

Question 22: I can’t possibly lend you any more money; it is quite out of the______.

A. place        B. question        C. order        D. practice

Question 23: There are very large rooms with______ walls in this house.

A. beautiful decorated        B. beautifully decorated

C. beautiful decorating        D. beautifully decorating

Question 24: ______only in the Andes, the plant is used by local people to treat skin diseases.

A. Finding        B. Found        C. Having found        D. Founded

Question 25: If the world’s tropical forests continue to disappear at their present rate, many animal species______ extinct.

A. would become                B. would have become

C. became                D. will become

Question 26: Half the way of the trip, we stopped______ and let the others______ up with us.

A. to rest/catch        B. resting/catch        C. resting/to catch        D. to rest/to catch

Question 27: The weather in the far north is not______ it is near the Equator.

A. like humid as        B. humid than        C. so humid that        D. as humid as

Question 28: My mother______ strawberries for years but she has never had such a good crop before.

A. had grown        B. is growing        C. grew        D. has been growing

Question 29: With the rapid development of artificial intelligence nowadays, in the near future, human beings can soon have all their household chores______ by the robots.

A. done        B. to be done        C. did        D. to do

Question 30: It was not until the end of the nineteenth century______.

A. did plant breeding become a scientific discipline

B. that plant breeding became a scientific discipline

C. that a scientific discipline was plant breeding

D. did a scientific discipline become plant breeding

Question 31: “Did you have______ nice holiday?” - “Yes, it was______ best holiday I have ever had.” 

A. a - the        B. the - the        C. the - a        D. a - a

Question 32: Archimedes, the distinguished Greek physicist, discovered the Archimedes principle while he______ a bath.

A. had        B. was having        C. has        D. is having

Question 33: This survey is to find out the young people’s attitudes______ love.

A. into        B. with        C. for        D. toward

Question 34: I have to give talk about history so I spent the weekend reading______ on the Second World War.

A. up        B. over        C. into        D. out

Question 35: You should sit down and______ stock of your life and decide whether this is the right thing to do.

A. get        B. take        C. carry        D. make

Question 36: Just as you arrived, I______ ready to go out.

A. have got        B. would get        C. have been getting        D. was getting

Question 37: ______a spoken language dies, it leaves no archaeology, the scientific study of material remains such as tools, pottery, stone walls and monuments.

A. After        B. As long as        C. When        D. As a result

Question 38: In 1944, the airport was handed over to the government and was developed for civilian use, ______ after a small village that was removed to create space, Health Row.

A. was named                B. having been named

C. when it has been named        D. which had been named

Question 39: Kylie Jenner is ______ that she became the world’s self-made billionaire two years younger than Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg.

A. too successful                B. so successful an entrepreneur

C. such a successful business        D. a very success entrepreneur such

Question 40: The more pollutants the factories discharge into the air, the______ global warming becomes.

A. bad        B. worse        C. worsen        D. worst

Question 41: There is reported to have been a record amount of pollution in many big cities in developing countries last year, ______?

A. isn’t there        B. isn’t it        C. haven’t there        D. hasn’t it

Question 42: The poor describe ill-being as not only lack of material things-food especially, but also lack of______, money, shelter and clothing.

A. employee        B. unemployment        C. employers        D. employment

Question 43: Every attempt should be made to prevent people from being______ with crimes that they did not commit.

A. accused        B. alleged        C. blamed        D. charged

Question 44: You should apply for a job with a friendly working environment in which you can______ your colleagues.

A. get on well with        B. put up well with        C. go through well to        D. get over with

Question 45: The river is______ polluted that it smells terrible.

A. such        B. so        C. very        D. too

Question 46: ______in Fortune’s recent survey of successful working women, 30 percent had house-husband.

A. There were 187 participants        B. 187 participants

C. All the 187 participants        D. Of the 187 participants

Question 47: The couple were so busy with their careers that they had no time for each other, that’s when they started to______.

A. drift away        B. drift out        C. drift off        D. drift apart

Question 48: Kate intends to have a discussion with her father about his decision ______her grandparents to nursing home. She does not want to live far away from them.

A. to take        B. to fetch        C. to send        D. to bring

Question 49: “Why is your street such a mess?” - “Oh, the council______ up the road, but they should finish this weekend.”

A. is digging        B. had been digging        C. dug        D. have been digging

Question 50: He______ have watered the plants. If he had, they wouldn’t have withered.

A. mayn’t        B. can’t        C. shouldn’t        D. needn’t

Question 51: Not until he had suffered from diabetes______ the importance of a balanced diet.

A. did he realize        B. had he realized        C. he realized        D. he had realized

Question 52: ______for a second interview will be informed by mail.

A. Who chosen        B. All chosen        C. If you are chosen        D. Those are chosen

Question 53: Kate and Jane often had arguments with each other over trivial things. They are______.

A. cat and dog        B. chalk and cheese        C. rain and sun        D. heat and fire


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