Exercise 1.1:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: While many people moved to big cities with a view to turning over a new leaf.

                       A                                                                                                          B

some people flew the big cities in search of the rural idyll.

                       C                                 D

Question 2: Take a couple of extra traditional Vietnamese gifts with you to Germany

                       A                                                                                     B

in case you may meet any other members of the Scholz family during your stay.

                          C                                                                                                  D

Question 3: Although at that time my knowledge of German was very poor, I was

                                                                       A                                                              B

understood most of what they said.

                         C                           D

Question 4: The boy swum the narrow canal in ten minutes to find himself in the base,
                                        A                                            B                                               C

out of danger.


Question 5: At the comer of the street is a shop where you can buy something special
                                                                  A                  B                                                C

for your significant others.


Question 6: Since every penny of the grant had to spend on equipment, we started
                         A                B                                      C

looking for volunteers to do the cleaning.


Question 7: Although the exact origin of the game is unknown, people guess that it

                                                   A                                                                            B

might have been originated among the native peoples of Alaska.

                       C                                D

Question 8: We always will remember our dear friends who are no longer with us, but

                                               A                                                                    B

we tend to take them for granted when they are with us.

                                   C                                             D

Question 9: Germany, in companion with France, has now lifted the ban on the export

                                                           A                          B                          C

of live animals to Europe.


Question 10: The problem of inadequate salaries for teachers not only exists in

                                                                       A                                             B

small communities but also in large cities.

                       C                                D

Question 11: I tried to explain the whole idea to her, but it’s still difficult for me to

                                   A                                         B         C

make myself understand.


Question 12: Such was the response to our appeal which we had to take on more staff.

                         A                                   B                       C                           D

Question 13: The detailed study of fossils, rather like a crime investigation, it
                                        A                                                                                       B

involves the piecing together of many diverse fragments of evidence.

                       C                                D

Question 14: Over the past 30 years, the average robot price has been fallen by half in
                                   A                                                                                B

real terms, and even further relative to labor costs.

        C                                    D

Question 15: These finding suggest that there is not direct link between unemployment
                                        A                                        B                 C

and crime.


Question 16: The poor old man never was able to explain what was going on to his family.
                                      A                     B                               C                      D

Question 17: “Hollywood's Eve” fills in many of the gaps in our knowledges of
                                                               A                        B                             C

Babitz's life and work.


Question 18: It was in 1896 in Athens, Greece that the first modem Olympics was held.
                       A              B                                      C                                                  D

Question 19: It was at the party that she attended; she saw a handsome boy.
                       A                    B        C                                  D

Question 20: Ninety-seven percent of the world’s water are salt water found in the oceans.
                                                    A                     B                  C                       D

Question 21: Fred Astaire was not only said to be the most popular dancer


of his timebut he was also considered as a talented actor, singer, and choreographer.

        B         C                                                                                                           D

Question 22: Jane’s friends insist that she will stay at their house when she visits
                                                                                 A     B                                        C

Toronto next weekend.


Question 23: I saw the blind woman crossed the busy road without any help.

                                   A                                B                                 C                D

Question 24: A paragraph is a portion of a text consists of one or more sentences

                                 A                                                     B                                     C

related to the same idea.


Question 25: While the campaign, young volunteers helped build bridges, roads and
                           A                                                                             B                     C

houses for some of Viet Nam's most disadvantaged families.


Question 26: We should participate in the movement is organized to conserve the
                                               A                  B                             C                    D

natural environment.

Question 27: Buying clothes are often a very time-consuming practice because those
                                                    A                           B                                             C

clothes that a person likes are rarely the one that fit him or her.


Question 28: This is equivalent to create an imaginative sphere around each singular

                                               A                                B

point which the measurement points cannot move into during optimization.

           C                                                          D

Question 29: It is important that the heater be turned off every morning before
                       A                                                        B                                          C

leaving for class.


Question 30: The children had such difficult time when they began school in their new

                                                                       A                                   B

neighborhood that their parents decided never to move again.

                                                                       C         D

Question 31: Like other forms of energy, natural gas maybe used to heat homes, cook
                          A                                                                       B             C

food, and even run automobiles.


Question 32: My friends and I go usually to the park on the weekend.

                              A                         B                    C                       D

Question 33: Information on the Romans can find not only in these books but also

                                   A                                      B                      C

on the Internet.


Question 34: There are a number of updated entrances in the latest edition of

                                     A                                              B           C                        D

the encyclopedia.

Question 35: What great joy it were to receive the news he had been waiting for such a
                          A                          B                                                         C                    D

long time!

Question 36: Every member of the class were invited to the party by the former teacher.

                                         A                             B                C                                             D

Question 37: Historically, it was the 3rd Asian Games in Japan that tennis, volleyball,
        A        B        C

table tennis and hockey were added.


Question 38: Though formally close friends, they have now been estranged from

                                            A                                                            B

each other due to some regrettable misunderstandings.

        C                                                D

Question 39: Drawing on her own experience in psychology, the writer successfully

portrayed a volatile character with dramatic alternatives of mood.

        B                              C                                      D

Question 40: My close friends spends most of their free time helping the homeless

                                   A                    B              C                                 D

people in the community.

Question 41: They have carried out exhausting research into the effects of smartphones

                                                                       A                         B

on schoolchildren’s behavior and their academic performance.

                                        C                                       D

Question 42: The keynote speaker started with some complementary remarks about

                                            A                                                                  B

the organizers of the conference, and then proceeded with her speech.

           C                                                                  D

Question 43: It concerns many sociologists that inadequate parents skills may lead to

                                A                                                                              B

an increase in the number of incidents of juvenile delinquency.

                                                           C                                  D

Question 44: Many living organisms depend largely on the environment for the

                          A                                                              B

satisfaction of its needs.

        C             D

Question 45: Working as a doctor would give me a chance taking care of people's health.

                                   A                                B                                 C                                D

Question 46: A number of wildlife habitat reserves have been established in order to
                       A                                                                                            B

saving endangered species from extinction.

     C                              D

Question 47: Before TV, the common man had never the opportunity to see and hear
                            A                                                   B                                                         C

his leaders express their views.


Question 48: All of the book were very interesting. I am surprised you didn't like it.

                                   A              B                                                  C                    D

Question 49: She had a chilly quarrel with her husband over some money three years
                                            A                    B

ago and they haven't spoken to each other since.

                                   C                                     D

Question 50: If you are tired of books on happiness, you may prefer books which give

                                                                   A                                     B

step-by-step constructions on how to redecorate or enlarge a house.

                               C                                                          D

Exercise 1.2:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: Education in Vietnam has been improved since the government started a
                                                                       A                                B                                    C

programme of educational reform.


Question 2: Publishing in the UK, the book has won a number of awards in recent

                                   A                                            B                                          C

regional book fairs.


Question 3: When we were in London, we went to high school together. I haven't seen

                       A                                                                    B                                     C

her for years, athough.


Question 4: She simply took it for grant that the check was good and did not ask him
                                   A                     B                                                              C

any questions about it.


Question 5: The number of higher education applicants had risen this year for the

                       A                                                           B              C

first time in more than a decade.


Question 6: What the film’s director, Ben Affleck, was famously left off the 85th

                       A                                                                           B             C

Oscar’s Best Director list of nominees surprised everyone.


Question 7: Before the mid-nineteenth century, people in the United States had eaten
                          A                                                                       B                                C

most foods only in season.


Question 8: The world is becoming more industrialized and the number of animal

                                               A                                B

species that have become extinct have increased.

                             C                                 D

Question 9: Because the highway system was built 40 years ago, most of the roads

                          A                                                B                                     C

now need to repair.


Question 10: If a student makes a course on Computer Science, it will take him four
                       A                    B                                                                          C

years to do the course.


Question 11: Last Sunday was such beautiful a day that we took a drive in the country.

                          A                          B                       C                           D

Question 12: After twenty years collecting stamps, Mike no longer is interested in them.

                         A                                   B                                          C                                D

Question 13: The wooden fence surrounded the factory is beginning to fall down
                                   A                         B                                                              C

because of the rain.


Question 14: A turtle differs from other reptiles in that its body is encased in a protective
                                                    A        B                    C

shell of their own.


Question 15: It is a good idea to be careful in buying or purchasing magazines from
                          A                                 B                            C

salespersons who may come to your door.


Question 16: Air pollution poses a risk to both human health and our environment.

                       A                                   B   C                                      D

Question 17: United Nations is aimed at developing friendly relations among nations

                                                                            A                                             B

based on respect for the principal of equal rights and self-determination of people.

        C                                    D

Question 18: His driving ambition was entering one of the top universities in the city.

                                   A                       B         C                        D

Question 19: The annual increase in the world's population has peaked at

                                       A                                         B                        C

about 88 million in the late 1980s.


Question 20: How she manages to fit so much into a working day is beyond my apprehension.

                         A                              B                                 C                                                 D

Question 21: I see sometimes him in the street but we never say hello to each other.

                                   A                             B                          C                             D

Question 22: Since they would study in the same primary school, they have known
                                                   A                     B                                   C                 D

each other.

Question 23: The first time that Gertrude went skiing, she bruised one of her legs and
                                   A                                         B                       C

broke another.


Question 24: That the patient's condition had worsened so quickly surprising the doctor.

                                         A                             B                    C                     D

Question 25: "Where's Mikey?" "How should I know? He's ever hardly in the office
                                   A                            B                                         C

these days."


Question 26: Though the police tried their best to catch the thief, he was escaped.

                                      A                        B                  C                           D       

Question 27: I'm sorry to inform that he can have done very well, but he was lazy.

                                              A                    B                       C                                   D

Question 28: The lesions caused by the activity of the scolytid create an entry site

                                               A                                                            B

for secondary infection by bacterium and fungi.

        C                                          D

Question 29: I check always that I've shut the windows before I leave the house.

                                     A           B        C                                        D

Question 30: In South Korea, the national government has been built English

                                   A                                                                   B

immersion schools all over the country.

        C                             D

Question 31: In the United States, the burning of fossil fuels making electricity is the
                                          A                         B                                    C

largest source of heat-trapping pollution.


Question 32: Raw chemical litter is being pumped into the sea, from where it pollutes

                         A                      B                            C                                D

our beaches.

Question 33: The Department of Foreign Languages are not located in the new
                          A                                                              B                               C

building opposite the old one.


Question 34: Urban legends are funny, surprising or scary stories that told again and again,

                                        A                                                                                              B

often by people saying that they happen to ‘a friend of a friend’.

                              C                         D

Question 35: His ambition and doggy determination ensured that he rose to the top of

                                                           A                                   B                      C

his profession.


Question 36: The Angkor complex represented the entire range of Khmer art from the
                          A                                         B                  C

9th to the 14th centuries.


Question 37: Special attention needs for the development of a risk-preparedness and
                                                        A                                                           B

local people should also involve themselves in the protection of the property.

                                               C                         D

Question 38: Contrary to that the papers claim, they are not going to reconstruct the
                                              A                        B                       C

ancient houses.


Question 39: Over 20 years went by but I never forgot the time we first met each other.

                         A                        B                                            C                                  D

Question 40: It's believed that young kids should have taught to make peace

                               A                                                      B                          C

rather than war.


Question 41: By 2050, the population in this area is expected to double what of 2002.

                       A              B                                                  C                           D

Question 42: It is necessary that the use of public transport is encouraged to reduce
        A        B        C

traffic jam and air pollution.


Question 43: People who spend too much time on the Internet run the risk of getting
                                               A                               B                        C

addiction to it.


Question 44: She didn’t get a high mark because she had made the classical mistake

                                     A                                                                                  B

of forgetting to put the “s” on the verb in the third person singular.

                         C                  D

Question 45: Basing on the clues found, the police managed to apprehend the suspect
                              A                            B                                                  C

a few days after the murder.


Question 46: There was a live debate about the Middle East, then they moved to a vote.

                          A                 B                           C                                                  D

Question 47: My mother was coming across a ring that she had lost months ago when

                                                   A                                   B              C                               D

she was cleaning the attic.

Question 48: The letter he received this morning said that his application had rejected.

                         A                        B                              C                                              D

Question 49: The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King fought to put an end to racial

                                                                                      A                    B

segregation in United States.

        C                         D

Question 40: There were too many books on the shelves that I didn't know which

                                     A     B                         C

one to choose.


Exercise 1.3:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: Rita enjoyed to be able to meet several Parliament members during

                                                  A            B         C

her holiday.


Question 2: Nutritionists recommend that foods from each of the four basic


groups be eaten on a regularly daily basis.

                  B                   C        D

Question 3: Before TV, the common man seldom never had the opportunity to see

                                                                                   A            B
and hear his leaders express their views.

        C                                       D

Question 4: Thanks to advances in medical science, life expectation for both men

                                               A                                                   B

and women has improved greatly over the past decades.

                             C                                          D

Question 5: Not until the plane had taken off Paul realized that he was on the

                          A                                    B                  C                               D

wrong flight.

Question 6: The sky was grey and cloudy. Consequently, we went to the beach.

                       A            B                                        C                                       D

Question 7: Plastic bags are harmful to the environment so they should replace by
                                                   A              B                         C                     D

paper bags.

Question 8: The plan was developed systematical by a team of experts.

                                      A                                B         C              D

Question 9: All of the food has been sold by the time we arrived at the restaurant.

                                      A                 B                                         C                  D

Question 10: It was not until 1915 when the cinema became an industry.

                             A                 B          C                           D

Question 11: Yuri Gagarin was the first person travelling into space.

                                                 A          B                       C        D

Question 12: Like everyone else, Sue has her up-and-down, of course, but on the whole,
                          A                                                          B                                               C

she's quite satisfied with life.


Question 13: The Prime Minister congratulated the team in winning the match.

                         A                                      B                            C        D

Question 14: Comparing with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountains do
                              A                     B                                                C

not seem high at all.


Question 15: Medical researchers are continually looking for ways to control,

                                                           A         B

preventing and cure diseases.

        C                D

Question 16: Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals if they are under the
                                        A                                           B                     C

supervision of a teacher.


Question 17: You will have to pull out your socks if you want to pass the final exam.

                                  A                     B                  C                             D

Question 18: They have considered all the 100 applications, none of them seem

                                             A                                         B                          C

suitable for the position.


Question 19: Next week, when there will be an English Club held here. I will give you

                                                                     A                                       B                 C

more information about it.


Question 20: It is of great importance that he speaks to the Dean before leaving for

                              A                    B                         C                                            D

his location.

Question 21: A lot needs be done to the house before anyone can start living in.

                                     A        B                                C                                  D

Question 22: Your trip to DaLat sounds absolutely fascinated. I'd love to go there.

                                        A                  B                              C                                    D

Question 23: There are very large rooms with beautiful decorated walls in her new house.

                                               A                        B         C                D

Question 24: Several people have apparent tried to change the man's mind, but he
                            A                                  B                                                    C

refuses to listen.


Question 25: Taking a trip to the foreign country is a good way to practice a second

                                                    A                                       B                               C

language, but it is too expensive for many people.


Question 26: Students suppose to read all the questions carefully and find out the
                                                 A                         B                                                C

answers to them.


Question 27: The disposable camera, a single- use camera preloaded with print film
                                      A                                          B                                               C

has appeared in the late 1980s and has become very popular.


Question 28: Public health experts say that the money one spends avoiding illness is

                                   A                                                                                            B

less than the cost of to treat sickness.

                       C                    D

Question 29: The money raised in the appeal will use to help those in need in remote areas.
                                                              A                 B            C                                              D

Question 30: My mother gets up usually early to prepare breakfast for the whole family.

                                                       A                            B                         C             D

Question 31: At the beginning of the ceremony, there was a respectable one-minute

        A        B

silence in remembrance of the victims of the earthquake.

                           C                                                     D

Question 32: With his important contributions, Albert Einstein considered one of the
                          A                 B                                                                      C

greatest physicists of all time.


Question 33: Our grandfather, who had an excellent memory when young, has become

                                                                                A                             B

very forgettable in recent years due to his old age.

                C                                                         D

Question 34: The villagers are highly appreciable of the volunteers’ efforts in

                                                                   A                                          B

reconstructing their houses after the devastating storm.

        C                                                           D

Question 35: Reading books has been always my hobby since I was very young.

                          A                              B                                     C                   D

Question 36: Household chores should share among members of the family.

                              A                               B                             C                 D

Question 37: Electric wires carry current for lighting and outlets designing for
                            A                           B                     C                                D

household appliances.

Question 38: Our bodies send out messages constantly and sometimes we do not recognize
                                                  A            B                                                                   C

that we are using many non- verbal languages.


Question 39: Most bothersome flies belong to the family Sarcophagi and are


popular known as flesh flies because the larvae feed on flesh.

        B                                           C                            D

Question 40: Rarely the Park Service allows dogs to visit the national parks

                                                       A                                B

except those kept on a leash at all times.

        C                                            D

Question 41: Pasteurization is the process of heating milk to destroy disease-caused
                                                                                A                       B                   C

organisms and bacteria


Question 42: Astronomers do not have sufficient information to determine what the

                                                                                              A                    B          C

solar system was created.


Question 43: A five-thousand-dollars reward was offered for the capture of the

                       A                             B                            C                      D

escaped criminals.

Question 44: My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday.

                                 A                                 B                                          C                    D

Question 45: Kelly reacts like a true professional and keeps smiling as if her music
                                               A                 B                               C

is the only thing that matters with her.


Question 46: The village has 60 historical buildings, many of which were carefully

                                                              A                                    B

transported from various locations to help recreate the seaport as it used to be.

        C                                                               D

Question 47: It can be an amazing experience for those who have the encouragement
                              A                                                                 B                            C

to leave their family and friend and live in a new place.


Question 48: Tuan, along with his friends, are going on a picnic in Pu Mat National Park
                                                                           A             B                C

at the end of this month.


Question 49: People advised to cut down on smoking because of its harm to their health.

                                        A                    B                                 C                       D

Question 50: The older the children getthe complex games they play.

                              A                              B           C                                D

Exercise 1.4:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: Make sure you have your assignment before you go to bed.
                            A                   B                                  C                   D

Question 2: Mr. Peter is the big apple in the company as he has just been promoted to
                                                           A                               B                        C

the position of Managing Director.


Question 3: The Red Cross all over the world has carried on a lot of missions.

                                   A                       B                             C                         D

Question 4: My teeth were a little yellow so I had them clean by the dentist.
                                        A        B                  C                      D

Question 5: The song was chosen by our listeners as their favorite of the week is
                                             A                                     B                                             C

"Goodbye Baby" by the Tunesmiths.


Question 6: The flower girl wore a silk pretty white dress at the wedding ceremony

                                 A               B                   C                                                        D

last night.

Question 7: If had had breakfast. I wouldn’t have been hungry now.

                     A         B          C                          D

Question 8: Some crimes seem to be much little common in this country than in others.

                         A                           B                C                                                              D

Question 9: I shouldn't drink so much coffee last night. I was wide awake till four

        A        B        C

in the morning.


Question 10: Of course an encyclopedia is not a book you read from cover to end.

                             A                      B                                         C                                D

Question 11: It took Ted a long time to get by the breakup of his marriage.

                             A                                      B                C                       D

Question 12: It gets more difficult and more difficult to understand what the professor

                            A                          B                                                         C

has explained.


Question 13: The Boeing 747 is twice bigger than the Boeing 707.

                               A                        B            C                     D

Question 14: I will stand here and wait for you so you come back.

                                   A                     B                   C           D

Question 15: A poor always need the help from all people in the society.

                       A                    B                          C                                   D

Question 16: Of all the factors affecting agricultural yields, weather is the one that

                                                           A                                                                           B

influence farmers the most.

        C                        D

Question 17: My student practices to speak English with her friends every day.

                                                  A            B                      C                               D

Question 18: There's somebody walking behind us. I think we are being following.

                            A                              B         C                                             D

Question 19: Difficult as was the homework, we tried our best to complete it.

                               A                        B                                 C                                D

Question 20: It is necessary that children took care of their old parents.

                                     A          B                   C                             D

Question 21: Had you arrive ten minutes earlier, you would have got a better seat.

                         A              B                                                      C                               D

Question 22: The song has official been selected for the 22nd Sea Games, Vietnam.

                              A                  B                        C        D

Question 23: Edith Harlow has kindly agreed helping. You should ask him.

                                                 A      B                     C                    D

Question 24: People usually can get sufficient number of the calcium their bodies

                                                     A                             B

need from the food they consume.

          C                           D

Question 25: It is possible to lose leaves may assist some trees in saving water
                                   A                    B                                                     C

in the winter.


Question 26: The weather is going to change soon; I feel it in my skin.

                         A                              B                   C                              D

Question 27: In the preparation of fibrous material for production uses, stiff woody

                                      A                                                                          B

fibers from plants need more heat as fibers from animal sources.

                                               C                                      D

Question 28: A partnership is an association of two or more individuals who worked
                                   A                             B                                                       C        D

together to develop a business.

Question 29: Chosen as the nation's capital at the end of the American Civil War,

                             A                                                                  B

Washington, DC, the city of over a million people.

        C                                        D

Question 30: It is a top secret. You needn't tell anyone about it.

        A        B        C        D

Question 31: The cosmopolitan flavor of San Francisco is enhanced by its many

        A        B         C

ethnicity shops and restaurants.


Question 32: Studies indicate that there are more people collect art today than ever before.

                                          A                             B                       C                                     D

Question 33: Dinosaurs were reptiles that lived during a period of earth's history

                                                                  A                B

was called the Mesozoic Era, which is known as the Age of Reptiles.

        C                                                     D

Question 34: The first dinosaurs appeared rather than 200 million years ago.

                             A                               B               C                           D

Question 35: Chaplin was a comedian whose was best known for his work in silent movies.
                                                       A            B                                C                              D

Question 36: I'm terrified with breaking down on a motorway at night.

                                               A                  B        C                            D

Question 37: Scandinavia consists of four countriesOne is Denmark, others are

                                                     A                      B          C                            D

Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Question 38: I wish you can stop complaining about the weather.

                       A                   B              C               D

Question 39: She got up earlyotherwise she would miss her bus.

                                   A       B             C                      D

Question 40: No matter what hard he tried his father didn't let him run the company.

                              A         B                                                C                   D

Question 41: When I came to his house. I didn't see him. He might be away.

                          A                                                  B                           C         D

Question 42: To our surprise, the so-called cheap shop was as twice as expensive it
                                   A                         B                                                   C

was expected.


Question 43: As well as having worked in an office, he used to have a part-time job as
                              A                    B                                                 C                                   D

a waiter.

Question 44: At no time China will be the first to use nuclear weapons.
                             A                  B                               C                 D

Question 45: She was bitterly disappointed when she learned that she was turned up
                                           A                                                   B                                 C

for the post.


Question 46: I was just about leaving the office when the telephone rang.

                              A                      B                           C                            D

Question 47: Your pounds should be exchanged for dollars before going to New York.

                               A                             B                  C                             D

Question 48: His sister's marriage has been arranged by her family. She is marrying a

                                                                          A                                                        B

man whom she hardly knows him.

                             C                    D

Question 49: Instead being excited about the good news, Peter seemed to be indifferent.

                           A                                 B      C                                                               D

Question 50: She nearly lost her own life on attempting to save the child from drowning.
                                   A                    B          C                         D

Exercise 1.5:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: There are several means of mass communication. The newspaper is one.
                                A                   B               C

Television is other.


Question 2: Tom never comes to class on time and neither doesn't Peter.

                                           A                        B                     C        D

Question 3: We had won the game if we'd had a few more minutes.

                                 A                         B      C                    D

Question 4: All the boys are good at cooking, but neither is as good as the girls.

                       A                                B                             C                        D

Question 5: So angry he was that he burst into tears.

                       A              B                     C        D

Question 6: It was clear that the young couple was capable of taking charge of

                                A                                               B                 C        D

the restaurant.

Question 7: Nam painted the room black. It looks dark and dreary. He must have
                                   A                         B                                C                      D

chosen a different color.

Question 8: That book is written by a famous author. It's about life in Paris which
                                               A                                                B                               C

she has lived for two years.


Question 9: Although it's a long day for us, we feel we are contented about what we

                          A                                  B             C                             D

have had.

Question 10: I can't stand people who treat animals cruel.

                                     A                   B      C                      D

Question 11: Many doctors want to see a law banning all tobacco advertisements.

                         A                               B                     C                                     D

Question 12: By making the household chores, he can help his mother after going

                                 A                                                    B                               C

home from school.


Question 13: An endangered species is a species which population is so small that it
        A        B         C

is in danger of extinction.


Question 14: When she graduated in the university, she got her degree.

                          A                  B        C                                   D                 

Question 15: The telephone rang and interrupted his line of thought.

                                                   A                    B              C           D

Question 16: This book provides students for useful tips that help them to pass the
                                               A                       B                             C

coming exam.


Question 17: Slightly over half of the population of El Paso, Texas, says both English
                            A                B                    C                                          D

and Spanish.

Question 18: Digital clocks, however precise, they cannot be perfectly accurate

                                                                                   A                          B

because the earth’s rotation changes slightly over years.

              C                                                  D

Question 19: On the floor of the Pacific Ocean is hundreds of flat-topped mountains
                       A                                                     B                               C

more than a mile beneath sea level.


Question 20: Whether life in the countryside is better than that in the city depend on
                            A                                                                       B                              C

each individual's point of view.


Question 21: There are many different ways of comparing the economy of one nation

                            A                                                        B

with those of another.

            C           D

Question 22: Mining over 2,000 years ago, copper is one of the earliest known metals.

                           A                                      B                              C                    D

Question 23: It is important that cancer is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible in
        A        B        C

order to assure a successful cure.


Question 24: The cars in garage were badly in need of to be repaired.

                                A        B                 C                            D

Question 25: Van Clibum who studied piano from 1951 to 1954 and won multiple
                                                      A                      B                                     C

awards between 1958 and 1960.


Question 26: U.S President Donald Trump, accompanied by hundreds of bodyguards,

                                                                                         A                              B

have paid a visit to Vietnam for the APEC Summit this year.

  C               D

Question 27: The economy of Maine is based to a great extent in its forest, which

                                        A                                     B                          C

over 80 percent of its surface area.


Question 28: In studies conducted on gazing behavior, it has been founded that
                             A                 B                                                       C

listeners gaze at speakers more than speakers gazes at listeners.


Question 29: There are more than eight million specimens in the National Museum


of Natural History’s collection of biological, geological, anthropology treasures.

                                          B                                                             C                 D

Question 30: On the morning of April 26th, 2019, Ton Due Thang University gratefully
                                  A                                                                                                     B

held a Graduation Celebration for 117 master’s degree holders and 968 bachelor’s degree
                                        C                                                                                                   D

holders completing the study program.

Question 31: The innovators behind objects like the cellphone or the helicopter took
                                      A                                 B                                            C

inspiration from work like "Star Trek" and "War of the Worlds".


Question 32: How many people know that the Brooklyn Bridgebuilt in 1883, were
                                                                                         A                       B                  C

the world's first suspension bridge?


Question 33: Fertilizer, which is added to the soil to replace or increase plant

                                               A                                                               B

nutrients, include animal and green manure, fish and bone meal and compost.

                    C                                                                                            D

Question 34: An X-ray microscope enables a person seeing through solid materials

                             A                                 B                                   C

such as metal and bone.


Question 35: Bacteria lived in the soil play a vital role in recycling the carbon and

                                        A                                          B                C

nitrogen needed by plants.


Question 36: Inventor Granville Woods received him first patent on January 3rd, 1884,

                                                                                       A                       B

for a steam boiler furnace.

   C      D

Question 37: Statistics are now compulsory for all students taking a course in engineering.

                                        A                   B                                        C                                 D

Question 38: It considers rude to ask a Western personal questions such as age,
                                   A                               B                                                 C

marriage and income.


Question 39: A basic knowledge of social studies, such as history and geography, are

                             A                                                                          B                                 C

considered a basic part of the education of every child.


Question 40: Hardly he had entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten

                                A                                                                  B                  C        D

his office key.

Question 41: I can’t find the letter I received from my boss some days ago.

                                 A                               B

might throw it into the waste paper bin yesterday.

        C                      D

Question 42: She asked why did I look so embarrassed when I saw her.

                                       A                B                     C                         D

Question 43: There was a very interesting news on the radio this morning about the

                              A        B                                     C                                           D

earthquake in Mexico.

Question 44: Could you mind telling me the way to the nearest post office?

                           A                             B                      C            D

Question 45: The children were playing last night outdoors when it began to rain very hard.
                                                       A                       B                               C                   D

Question 46: I'd prefer to do it on myself because other people often make me nervous.

                              A                          B                       C                           D

Question 47: Miss Lan sang very beautiful at my birthday party last night.

                                       A                 B        C                                      D

Question 48: The lecturer said that he would attend a conference on how to develop

                                                                  A                                B

renewable energy technology next day.

        C                                          D

Question 49: One of the principle of ecotourism is to preserve cultural integrity

                                            A                                            B

because human value cannot be separated from natural value.

    C                                                                               D

Question 50: Each country has their own traditions, some of which have existed for ages.

                        A                              B                                  C                                   D

Exercise 1.6:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: About two-fifth of my students wish to get a scholarship to study abroad.

                                    A                   B              C        D

Question 2: The highway patrol advises to take the old route through the city because

                                                                      A                               B

the interstate highway is under major repairs.

                                         C                    D

Question 3: Louisa May Alcott, she best known for her books for children, served as
        A        B        C
a nurse during the Civil War.


Question 4: Fifteen hundred dollars a year were the per capital income in

                                  A                                    B                 C

the United States in 1950.


Question 5: The teacher asked him why hadn’t he done his homework, but he said nothing.

                                                                A        B                                           C                 D

Question 6: If you live with a local family, you would experience local lifestyles and

                                                       A                                B                            C

customs first-hand.


Question 7: As you use them, remember that this glossary is intended to be a guide

                                           A                                                                  B

and that nothing in it is absolute.

                             C         D

Question 8: So extensive the lakes are that they are viewed as the largest bodies

                                                    A                                B                      C

of fresh water in the world.


Question 9: If I have much money, I would set up a travel agent organizing eco tours
                                  A                                      B                                                     C

to ecological interests.


Question 0: Some researchers believe that other types of wireless technology may

                                      A                                        B

also be dangerous to human health, includes cordless phones.

                      C                                    D

Question 11: The students who are revising for their exams are used to stay up late.

                                              A               B       C                                   D

Question 12: She studied very hardso she passed the exam easy.

                                 A                B      C                                     D

Question 13: I get quite depressed when I think about the damage we are making to

                                                 A                                 B                 C                         D

the environment.

Question 14: Only after announcing the winner of the best picture in Oscar 2017

                                               A                                   B

Warren Beatty realized that he had read out the wrong film name.

        C                                                    D

Question 15: The most visible remind of the close relationship between the United States

                                                         A                                                       B

and France is the famous Statue of Liberty, which stands in New York harbor.

                       C                                                   D

Question 16: Regarding as one of the leading figures in the development of the short
                                   A                                    B                                                 C

story, O Henry is the author of many well- known American novels.


Question 17: You should stop wasting your time and doing something useful instead.

                                                          A                             B              C                       D

Question 18: UNICEF uses the term 'child protection' to refer for preventing and
                                        A                            B                            C

responding to violence, exploitation and abuse against children and teenagers.


Question 19: Of every the major traditions of wood carving, the one that is closest in
                                   A                                                    B                                        C

structure to the tree is the crest pole made by the Native Americans of the Northwest coast.


Question 20: The early forms of R&B are loud and lively and mostly played on
                                        A                         B                                                C

drums, bass, double and electric guitar.


Question 21: The popularity of artists is usually measured by the amount of singles

                                                                         A                                       B

and albums they sell, and sales are listed in the music charts.

                                              C                                      D

Question 22: It is believed that in the near future more robots will be used to doing household chores.
                                   A                               B                                             C                                             D

Question 23: Between all the photographs she showed me, there was only one of her husbands.
                             A             B                                              C                                D

Question 24: All the judges paid the dancer compliments on their excellent
                       A                        B                                                   C

performance in the competition.


Question 25: Some bacteria are extremely harmful, but others are regular used in
                                A                                 B                                                 C

producing foods.


Question 26: Unemployment is a serious problem in the area; there are little jobs for

                                 A                                                                                 B     C

the people there.


Question 27: Schools require that every student registered before September 1st.

                                         A                 B                         C                              D

Question 28: No matter how interested the news was, it could not interest Mai who

                              A                  B

cared for nothing else but her collection.

     C                               D

Question 29: Ninety minutes are the maximum length of time allowed for entrance
                                   A            B                                                        C

exams to this university.


Question 30: Of the six outer planets, Mars, commonly called the red planet, which is
                       A                                                          B          C                                    D

the closest to Earth.

Question 31: The number of homeless people have increased dramatically since 2000.

                                   A                   B                            C                      D

Question 32: Staying in a hotel costs twice more than renting a room in a dormitory
                            A                         B                  C                                                 D

for a week.

Question 33: They have the same language, but in other respects they are as different as
                                                           A                                B                                     C

cheese and chalk.


Question 34: I have a good job with good salary. You mustn’t send me any money,

                                   A                 B                 C                  D

my lovely mother.

Question 35: He listened so attentively that not a word he missed.

                                   A                  B                         C              D

Question 36: Computerized robots can save human labor, so people will have free time
                                     A                                                B                                                C

to do creative work or enjoy life.


Question 37: The more difficult part of running a business is keeping up-to-date with
                                           A                                     B                                 C

the client's needs and desires.


Question 38: The increase in imports from consumer goods has had an impact on the

                                    A                  B                                               C                      D

balance of trade.

Question 39: Our main crop in the region is wheat; currently we are one of the
                                    A                                B                                       C

country's largest producer.


Question 40: I usually buy my clothes off the beg. It's cheaper than going to the dress maker.

                                                                             A                    B                  C                    D

Question 41: The activities of the international marketing researcher are

                                   A                                                  B

frequently much broader than that of the domestic marketer.

                    C                             D

Question 42: Overpopulation tends to create conditions which may result into

                                                              A                                  B                    C

shortage of food in developing countries.


Question 43: Although my village is not far away from the city center, we had no

                              A                                                B

electricification until recently.

        C                         D

Question 44: Thousand of people are going starving because of the failure of this

                               A                               B              C              D

year's harvest.

Question 45: Let's wait here for her. I'm sure she'll turn out before 8 a.m.

                             A                  B              C                    D

Question 46: The smell of the sea took him back his childhood.

                                 A          B                         C                 D

Question 47: We spent nearly 3 hours waiting outside the station, then out the star came.

                                          A                       B                                        C                   D

Question 48: Larry drove all night to get here for his sister's wedding. He could be
                                                 A                 B                                                          C

exhausted by the time he arrived.


Question 49: We are below no obligation to change goods which were not purchased here.

                                        A                  B                      C                             D

Question 50: Not only did she pass the exam but did she also get a scholarship.

                       A                      B                                          C            D

Exercise 1.7:

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to show the underlined part that needs correction.

Question 1: "You mustn’t put the car in the garage. I'm going out in it later".

                                   A                          B                           C                      D

Question 2: Despite all the interruptions, he pressed in with his work.

                         A                          B                         C                      D

Question 3: The number of people which asked for the discount was low but grew

                                                               A                B                         C                    D

during the summer period.

Question 4: My father is getting old and forgetfulBe that as it can, he is

                                            A                             B                          C

experienced and helpful.


Question 5: Many a pop star find it difficult to avoid the interference of mass media

                       A                         B                            C                   D

in their life.

Question 6: The board decided opening a new business which will give the necessary

                                                             A                 B                               C

support to the IT arm of the group.


Question 7: Women whose husbands do not contribute to the household chores are

                                                A                              B

more vulnerable to illness and tend to thinking more about divorce.

                  C                                              D

Question 8: Children whose fathers share housework with their mothers are likely

                                                                                  A                                            B

to become responsible and independent person.

        C                                                   D

Question 9: The maintenance of strong social relationships, volunteering, and other

                                       A                                                                    B

social activities are linked to positive mental health and even increased longevity.

                                    C                                                                     D

Question 10: Sports and games allow the body to use up energyincreasing blood

                                   A                                                           B                 C

circulation and eliminate harmful fats in the body.


Question 11: The early forms of R&B were loud and live and mostly played on

                                       A                                                    B                     C

drums, double bass, and electric guitar.


Question 12: The cultural diversity of India can be understood by means of the languages,

                                          A                                             B

festivals, religions, foods, dressing styles, and many others noticeable facts.

                                                        C                                 D

Question 13: In society today, most people view diversity as the good thing because it

                                                                             A                                     B

gives people the chance to experience different things outside of what they are normally


accustomed to.


Question 14: They believe that everything must be cleaned before the first day of

a new year arrives as a tardy cleanse can sweep away all of the family's good luck

                       A                     B                          C

and prosperous.


Question 15: Michael and Jim are both excellent at Vietnamese studies, but Jim is

                                                                            A                                 B

the best as he has a methodical mind.

     C                                       D

Question 16: It is also true that some teachers who do not use technology in their lessons

                                     A                                  B

because they do not feel comfortable in this field.

                                                      C                D

Question 17: Everyone can play an important role by always doing their best to help
                                                  A                           B                                 C

their families flourishes.


Question 18: Each family member need to develop certain traits and skills and then

                                                                          A                                   B

practice being a strong and supportive member of the family.

                                           C                                            D

Question 19: There are many different wavs that family members show their love for
                                   A                               B                                           C

one other.


Question 20: People feel secure when they know that their physical needs are being

                                              A                                           B

made and that they are protected and safe from harm.

  C                                                                   D

Question 21: Of all the billions of people in the world, no two are exactly like.
                                             A                     B                    C                             D

Question 22: Properly intake of water, salt and minerals can prevent chronic illnesses
                                    A                                       B                                             C

and even reverse the damage already done.


Question 23: The pharmaceutical industry would lose billions in profits if people

                                               A                                                              B

relied on the natural healing properties of water other than expensive and toxic drugs.

                                              C                                       D

Question 24: The reasons why lack of water causes the body to become stressed and diseased,                                           A                                                                             B

as well as very simple methods to ensure your own vibrant health, are all explained in details.
                                   C                                                                                                               D

Question 25: In dehydration, even the body has a lot of water in it, it is the lack of free
                                                           A                                              B                  C

water that constitutes dehydration.


Question 26: You need to replace the water loss from your body with fresh intake of

                                                                              A                                           B

water in order to supply the body with free water to perform new functions.

                C                                                  D

Question 27: The music industry has undergoing significant change over the past few years,         

       A                                            B

with declining volumes of music sold through an ownership model (such as downloads)

and rapid growth in usage models (such as streaming).


Question 28: Music has been used as a mean of communication and healing since
                                       A                            B                                               C

the beginning of mankind.


Question 29: Music Therapy, that involves the music therapist, the client and the music

                                                             A                                                                        B

in an ever-evolving relationship, is rooted in the ancient literate societies.

                                                                C                                           D

Question 30: The conductor stands in the front of the orchestra, on a podium, and

                                                                       A                                              B

conducts by using hand and body motions.

                       C                                 D

Question 31: Technology became an increasingly important tool for composers, which
                                                                   A                                                    B

have known to use recording tape as a compositional tool.

        C                                                                        D

Question 32: Volunteer work, understood in its traditional meaning, as unpaid activity
                                                                             A                                                  B

oriented to help others and to improve society, have existed throughout the history of
                                                     C                                  D


Question 33: In order to start doing volunteer work, many organizations require that
                                                                     A                                                              B

prospective volunteers complete a background check, which usually includes reference

 checks and criminal history check.


Question 34: The connections between informal learning with volunteer work are

                                                         A                                        B

rarely discussed, or even acknowledged.

   C                             D

Question 35: Volunteerism refers to all forms of voluntary activity, whether

                                                     A                                            B

formally or informally, full-time or part-time, at home or abroad.

        C                                                                                  D

Question 36: An important aspect of the informal learning acquired through volunteering
                                            A                                                                     B

is their transferability to other dimensions of people's life, like paid employment or the civic sphere.

                  C                                                                                          D

Question 37: Joseph Priestley was 18th-century clergyman and scientist fascinated by
                                                                               A                                                 B

chemistry, electricity, optics and many other subjects.

                                        C                                D

Question 38: The first fully operational telegraph ran from 1839 between Paddington
                                                          A                                                                   B

and West Drayton railway station in London, but at first it was slow to catch on.

                                           C                                                                               D

Question 39: Carbon fiber is one of many inventions developed by military that

                                                                           A                                         B

are incredibly useful for us all.

            C                            D

Question 40: After the invention of the electric motor - which transforms rotation

                                                                              A                                  B

into electrical power - the next step was a device to drive it.

                    C                                                        D

Question 41: Invention of penicillin is credited to Scottish scientist Alexander


Fleming in 1928, when he discovered that certain mold could kill bacterium.

                                B                                        C                                       D

Question 42: "Gender equality and women's empowerment are fundamental to


the global mission of the United Nations to achieving equal rights and dignity for all."

        B                                                                    C                                                   D

Question 43: Organizations will to have a duty to promote gender equality.

                                   A                        B                        C                        D

Question 44: The gender gaps was visible in the way men and women voted during
                                        A                                    B                                               C

the presidential elections.


Question 45: About one third of developing country have not achieved gender parity
                                            A                                   B                            C                       D

in primary education.

Question 46: Not only men and women do have many differences, but they also have
                             A                     B                                                                  C            D

many similarities.

Question 47: She teaches the students to have respect for different races and

                                              A                                            B                             C

appreciate a diversity of other cultures.


Question 48: It is the city of huge musical and artistic diversity, where every taste is
                                A                                        B                                    C

catered for.


Question 49: Does television adequately reflects the ethnic and cultural diversity of
                                         A                              B                                   C

the country?


Question 50: People are encouraging to celebrate the diversity of their communities.

                                                  A                    B                   C                              D

Question 51: Educational technology encompass several domains, including learning
                                                                        A                                           B

theory, computer-based training, online learning, and, where mobile technologies are used,

                                                                                                  C                                         D


Question 52: According to the latest Speak Up survey, sixty percent of students are using

                                                   A                                                                                        B

mobile devices for anytime research, 43 percent for educational games and 40 percent


for collaborating with their peers.


Question 53: The use of electronic devices and resources in the classroom is part of
                                      A                                 B                                                      C

the daily activity for lecturers and students.


Question 54: If students are really excited and engaged in learning inside of the classroom,


they are likely to continue to learn outside of the classroom and they can do so with

                  B                            C                                                                          D

mobile technology.

Question 55: As our actions have been not in favor of protect this planet, we have seen

                                   A                                                   B                                           C

natural disasters striking us more often in the form of flash floods, tsunamis and cyclones.


Question 56: Different environmental groups on the world play their role in educating


people as to how their small actions when combined together can play a big role in

              B                                                       C

protecting this planet.


Question 57: If you look at the environment around us, you can see that there is a

                                       A                                        B                                             C

number of issues that come to our attention.


Question 58: Soil contamination is majorly created by mechanical waste that takes

                                                         A                              B                                  C

supplements out of soil.


Question 59: Wherever people go, we leave behind garbages - and even if it is left


in bins, it can still create a dangerous imbalance.

      B                                C                          D

Question 60: As an eco-tourist, you decide to travel in a way that show respect to
                                          A                                  B                                C

nature and does not contribute to its degradation.


Question 61: When you meet people as you travel sustainably, mutual understanding

                                            A                                               B

allows all parties involved learn about one another.

                    C                        D


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