Exercise 1.1Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 

Question 1: I think spring is _______season of the year.

A. beautiful        B. very beautiful        C. more beautiful        D. the most beautiful

Question 2: The larger the apartment is, the _______its price is.

A. expensive        B. more expensive        C. expensively        D. most expensive

Question 3: The faster we walk, _______we will get there.

A. the soonest        B. the soon        C. the more soon        D. the sooner

Question 4: “Why did you buy these oranges?” “They were _______I could find.”

A. cheapest        B. cheapest ones        C. the cheapest ones        D. the most cheapest

Question 5: She plays the piano _______as her sister does.

A. as beautifully        B. more beautifully        C. as beautiful        D. the most beautifully

Question 6: The streets are getting more and _______these days.

A. crowded        B. less crowded        C. more crowded        D. most crowded

Question 7: New York City's Central Park is nearly twice as large _______second smallest country.

A. as        B. is the        C. as is        D. as the

Question 8: You must explain your problems_______.

A. as clear as you can                B. as clearly as you can

C. as clear than you are        D. as clearly as you are

Question 9: Phil is _______person we have ever known.

A. the happier        B. the happiest        C. happier        D. happiest

Question 10: Which woman are you going to vote for? -I’m not sure. Everyone says that Joan is_______.

A. smarter        B. the smarter        C. more smarter        D. more smart

Question 11: I thought this test would be difficult, but it is _______test I've ever taken.

A. the easiest        B. easier        C. the most easy        D. easily

Question 12: It’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere_______?

A. noisier        B. more quiet        C. more noisy        D. quieter

Question 13: _______the time passes, _______I feel! The deadline of my thesis is coming, but I have just finished half of it.

A. The faster / the nervous        B. The more fast / the nervous

C. The fast / the more nervous        D. The faster / the more nervous

Question 14: China is the country with _______population.

A. the larger        B. the more large        C. the largest        D. the most large

Question 15: She sat there quietly, but during all that time she was getting_______. Finally, she exploded.

A. more and more angrily        B. the more angry

C. angrier and angrier        D. the most angry

Question 16: For_______, it is certain that in the future some things will be very different.

A. the better or the worse        B. the good or the bad

C. good or bad                D. better or worse

Question 17: Her grandfather’s illness was _______we thought at first.

A. more seriously as        B. as seriously as        C. more serious than        D. as serious than

Question 18: My brother was feeling tired last night, so he went to bed _______usual.

A. more early than        B. as early as        C. more earlier as        D. earlier than

Question 19: _______you study for these exams, _______you will do.

A. The harder / the better        B. The more / the much

C. The hardest / the best        D. The more hard / the more good

Question 20: That is his house which is _______mine.

A. twice as big as                B. as twice big as

C. as two times big as        D. as big as twice

Question 21: My town is _______this city.

A. more peaceful                B. more peacefully than

C. peaceful than                D. more peaceful than

Question 22: I was ill yesterday but I am _______today.

A. better        B. gooder        C. weller        D. best

Question 23: Monkeys are_______learners than elephants.

A. faster        B. very fast        C. more faster        D. more fast

Question 24: The use of detail is _______method of developing a controlling idea and almost all students employ this method.

A. more common        B. common        C. most common        D. the most common

Question 25: My neighbor is driving me mad! It seems that _______it is at night, _______he plays his music!

A. the less/ the more loud        B. the less/less

C. the more late/ the more loudly        D. the later/the louder

Question 26: It gets _______when the winter is coming.

A. cold and cold                B. the coldest and coldest

C. colder and colder                D. more and more cold

Question 27: The cuisine of France is_______.

A. more famous than that of England        B. famous than the cuisine of England

C. more famous than which of England        D. as famous than that of England

Question 28: My sister is two years _______than me.

A. young        B. so young        C. younger        D. the youngest

Question 29: What is the _______movie you have ever seen?

A. worst        B. baddest        C. most bad        D. the worst

Question 30: The Missouri River is the _______river in the United States.

A. most long        B. longer        C. longest        D. the longer

Question 31: That whale is _______than this dingo.

A. big        B. most big        C. biggest        D. bigger

Question 32: Our crazy Uncle Pete is the _______fisherman in all of Oregon.

A. talented        B. most talented        C. more talented        D. talentedly

Question 33: The people applauded _______than before when Bobo the Clown came out.

A. most loudly        B. louder        C. loudest        D. more loud

Question 34: I'm positive that I am _______and beautiful than my opponent.

A. more intelligent        B. most intelligent        C. as intelligent        D. intelligent

Question 35: Of all two sisters, Kizzy is the_______.

A. hard-working                B. more hard-working

C. most hard-working        D. as hard-working

Question 36: _______in Stevenson's landscapes, the more vitality and character the painting seems to possess.

A. The brushwork is loose        B. The looser brushwork

C. The loose brushwork is        D. The looser the brushwork is

Question 37: Horace found his Magical Bean Maker _______than he originally thought.

A. useful        B. less useful        C. less least useful        D. least useful

Question 38: The relative size of an insect's wing is much greater than_______.

A. that of a bird's wing        B. of a bird's wing

C. that wing of a bird                D. a wing of a bird is

Question 39: The richer you are, _______.

A. you may become more worried        B. you more worried may become

C. the more worried you may become        D. the more worry you may become

Question 40: Ann works _______than most of her friends.

A. much harder        B. a lot more hardly        C. more hardly        D. more harder

Question 41: Many endangered species are moving _______to extinction, and we are losing our precious places.

A. close and close                B. closely and closely

C. closer and closer                D. more closely and closely

Question 42: The more carefully humans mind their daily activities, _______on the environment.

A. the less harmful impact have they        B. the less harmful impact they have

C. the less impact harmful they have        D. the less harmful they have impact

Question 43: Growth is of very immediate environmental concern because_______ the more pollutants we throw out into the atmosphere.

A. the more the world economy grows        B. the more economy the world grows

C. the more grows the world economy        D. the more the world grows economy

Question 44: Rare animal extinction is one of the _______things that could have happened.

A. good        B. best        C. worse        D. worst

Question 45: We need to do this _______than we are at the moment.

A. quickly        B. the quickest        C. more quickly        D. most quickly

Question 46: Mary speaks English better than her sister_______.

A. is        B. does        C. has        D. can

Question 47: Looking after a kitten is _______more difficult than I thought it would be.

A. far        B. farther        C. further        D. father

Question 48: Living in a big city isn't _______interesting as I thought it would be.

A. less        B. most        C. more        D. as

Question 49: It has been a really bad journey, but I think the _______is behind us.

A. good        B. better        C. worst        D. worse

Question 50: I'm quite disappointed in you as I know you can do_______.

A. bad        B. better        C. worst        D. good

Exercise 1.2Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. 

Question 1: He arrived _______than anyone else, so he had to wait more than an hour.

A. earlier        B. more early        C. early        D. earliest

Question 2: It is getting hotter and _______every summer. I guess that is the result of global warming.

A. less        B. more        C. colder        D. hotter

Question 3: The meal was a bit _______expensive than we expected, but it was very nice.

A. least        B. less        C. more        D. most

Question 4: Total weight of all the ants in the world is much greater than_______.

A. all human beings                B. total human beings

C. that of all human beings        D. those of all human beings

Question 5: Normally, in order for a political party to form a government, it has to have _______number of seats in Parliament.

A. the largest        B. as large as        C. larger than        D. so large

Question 6: On the way to the mountains, it was impossible to see _______a few meters ahead because of the heavy fog.

A. rather than        B. how far        C. more than        D. so large

Question 7: According to a study, women blink almost twice _______men.

A. more than        B. as much as        C. much than        D. so much that

Question 8: Ozone depletion has been _______at the poles, especially over Antarctica, where a seasonal ozone layer "hole' appears.

A. as severe as        B. so severe as        C. more severe than        D. the most severe

Question 9: I was relieved to see that the new computer software was _______ complicated to use than I had thought it would be.

A. much less        B. far too        C. the most        D. so much

Question 10: The 1665 plague in London took almost _______lives _______the Great Fire of London the y ear after.

A. the same as        B. as many - as        C. much more than        D. such a lot - that

Question 11: Cotton shirts feel _______than polyester ones.

A. much softer        B. more softly        C. far more softer        D. far more softly

Question 12: Of the three courses I did, this one is _______interesting.

A. the hardest and more        B. harder but more

C. the harder but more        D. the hardest but most

Question 13: Of the two films we watched yesterday. Titanic is_______.

A. the more interesting        B. the most interesting

C. better interesting                D. as interesting

Question 14: This car is _______of the two models in the showroom.

A. more modem                B. the most modem

C. the more modem                D. one of the most modem

Question 15: The tickets for the play weren't nearly as expensive _______we thought.

A. so        B. than        C. that        D. as

Question 16: Why don't we go on the coach? It is _______cheaper than the train.

A. a hit quite        B. quite bit        C. quite a bit        D. a quite bit

Question 17: A quick look would reveal that France has twice _______computers.

A. as many televisions as        B. more televisions than

C. as many as televisions        D. many as televisions as

Question 18: The _______source of power in 1970 was from natural gas with almost 25%.

A. most second important        B. second most important

C. second important most        D. most important second

Question 19: Staying in a hotel costs _______renting a room in a dormitory for a week.

A. as much as twice        B. twice as much as        C. twice more than        D. twice as

Question 20: _______a person gets, _______the chance they will develop a disease that harms the brain.

A. So old - greater than        B. Too old - a lot greater

C. The older - the greater        D. The oldest - the greatest

Question 21: People are becoming _______aware of healthy eating, exercise, and relaxation, and want to incorporate them into their daily lives.

A. hardly ever        B. rather than        C. more and more        D. much as

Question 22: The more she practices, _______she becomes.

A. the greater confidence        B. more confidently

C. the more confident        D. the most confident

Question 23: The more you talk about the situation, _______.

A. it seems worse                B. the worse it seems

C. the worse does it seem        D. it seems the worse

Question 24: The older you are, _______.

A. the more you may become worried        B. the more worried you may become

C. the more worry you may        D. you may become more worried

Question 25: Sound comes in waves, and the higher the frequency, _______.

A. higher is the pitch                B. the pitch is higher

C. the higher the pitch        D. pitch is higher

Question 26: The more you have tried to edit the article, _______.

A. it becomes better                B. the more it has become

C. the better it becomes        D. it has becomes better and better

Question 27: The better the weather is, _______.

A. the beaches get the more crowded        B. the beaches get the most crowded C. the most crowded the beaches get        D. the more crowded the beaches get

Question 28: The country is rapidly losing its workers as_______.

A. people are emigrating more        B. more and more people are emigrating

C. people emigrating are more and more        D. more emigrating people are

Question 29: _______you study for these exams,_______you will do.

A. The harder - the better        B. The more - the much

C. The hardest- the best        D. The more hard - the more good

Question 30: The more waste paper we recycle, _______.

A. the least trees we preserve        B. the most trees we preserve

C. the fewer trees we preserve        D. the more trees we preserve

Question 31: He is _______than me, so it’s certain that he will achieve more success than me.

A. more young and intelligent        B. younger and more intelligent

C. more intelligent and younger        D. more and more intelligent and younger

Question 32: The more different cultures work together, _______essential to avoid problems.

A. the more cultural competency training is

B. the more culturally competent training is

C. the more cultural competent training is

D. the more culturally competency training is

Question 33: These days, in India, there are _______married couples who live on their own than before.

A. more        B. many        C. less        D. little

Question 34: In some countries in the Middle East, people stand _______to each other than those in North America in a conversation.

A. most closely        B. more closely        C. closer        D. closest

Question 35: Wedding ceremonies are _______now than they used to be in the past.

A. less complicated                B. the most complicated

C. as complicated                D. the least complicated

Question 36: It's much _______to celebrate a small and cozy wedding to save money.

A. best        B. better        C. the best        D. the better

Question 37: In some Asian families, parents tend to have far _______control over their children than those in some American families.

A. the most        B. the more        C. more        D. most

Question 38: This is _______wedding party I’ve ever attended.

A. the more memorable        B. more memorable

C. the most memorable        D. most memorable

Question 39: Chocolates and flowers are by far _______presents for mothers on Mother's Day in the UK.

A. more popular        B. the more popular        C. less popular        D. the most popular

Question 40: Chuseok is one of _______celebrations in the Korean calendar when Koreans give thanks to nature.

A. the most important        B. the more important

C. the less important                D. more important

Question 41: The more polite you appear to be, _______your partner will be.

A. the happiest        B. the happier        C. the most happily        D. the more happily

Question 42: Of the two bridesmaids, Lisa turned out to be_______.

A. the most charming                B. the least charming

C. more charming                D. the more charming

Question 43: The Korean are _______than the American in addressing their bosses.

A. more formal        B. formal        C. most formal        D. the most formal

Question 44: There are _______occasions for giving gifts in modem societies than before.

A. less        B. more        C. the least        D. the most

Question 45: June has become _______month for weddings in many countries when the symbolic flowers, roses, usually bloom.

A. more popular        B. less popular        C. the most popular        D. the least popular

Question 46: Before doing something important, Vietnamese people always try to choose _______time for it.

A. better        B. less good        C. the least good        D. the best

Question 47: My grandmother feels much _______whenever I give her a homemade cake on Mother’s Day.

A. happier        B. more happily        C. the happiest        D. the most happily

Question 48: If you listen _______to this piece of music, you can hear a flute in the background.

A. carefully        B. more carefully        C. more careful        D. most careful

Question 49: Please cut my hair _______the style in this magazine.

A. the same length as                B. the same length like

C. the same long like                D. the same long as

Question 50: Winning a place at university _______for most students

A. has become as difficult        B. becomes the most difficulty

C. is becoming more and more difficult        D. will become more difficult

Question 51: Tom: "Is your government salary good?" Mary: "Yes, but I don't make as much _______worked in private industry.”

A. as I would if I        B. if I would have        C. I would if        D. as I

Exercise 2Complete the second sentence so that the meaning stays the same.

Question 1: I usually get up earlier than my wife.

=> My wife ______________________________________________________.

Question 2: Few books are more popular than Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’.

=> Dickens’ ‘David Copperfield’______________________________________.

Question 3: Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

=> No mountain ___________________________________________________.

Question 4: The children are excited with the difficult games.

=> The more ______________________________________________________.

Question 5: The salary of my sister is 3 million dongs. The salary of my brother is 6 million dongs.

=> The salary of my brother____________________________________________.

Question 6: The growth in the economy makes people's living condition better.

=> The more ______________________________________________________.

Question 7: Shakespeare is the most famous of all writers in England.

=> No other writers ___________________________________________________.

=> Shakespeare______________________________________________________.

Question 8: This computer works better than that one.

=> That computer _____________________________________________________.

Question 9: Sarah's smartphone is very similar to her father's smartphone.

=> Sarah's smart phone_________________________________________________.

Question 10: This is the most delicious cake I've ever tasted.

=> I've never______________________________________________________.

Question 11: Gmail accounts are generally better than other email services.

=> Other email services ______________________________________________.

Question 12: The Italian restaurant is cheaper than the Japanese restaurant.

=> The Italian restaurant costs __________________________________________.

Question 13: Her old house is bigger than her new one.

=> Her new house___________________________________________________.

Question 14: The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected.

=> The course______________________________________________________.

Question 15: People say there is no other castles as luxurious as this one in Europe.

=> People say that this is ______________________________________________.

Question 16: It is the most beautiful painting I've ever seen

=> I have never seen__________________________________________________.

Question 17: Playing video games is not as good as exercising.

=> Exercising ______________________________________________________.

Question 18: We have much knowledge. We become wise.

=> The more ______________________________________________________.

Question 19: There is no better teacher in this school than Mr John.

=> Mr John ______________________________________________________.

Question 20: We breathe a lot of polluted air. We get weaker.

=> The more ______________________________________________________.

Question 21: I have never had a more embarrassing experience than this.

=> This ______________________________________________________.

Question 22: No one plays football as well as Ronaldo.

=> Ronaldo______________________________________________________.

Question 23: If you read many books, you will have much knowledge.

=> The more______________________________________________________.

Question 24: I think that history books are more interesting than novels.

=> I think that novels _________________________________________________.

Question 25: This flower is the most beautiful one in this garden.

=> This flower______________________________________________________.

=> No other flowers in this garden______________________________________.

Question 26: I've never met any more dependable person than George.

=> George______________________________________________________.

Question 27: That writer wrote many stories. She became famous.

=> The more ___________________________________________________.

Question 28: As he has much money, he wants to spend much.

=> The more ___________________________________________________.

Question 29: Daisy writes slowly. She makes few mistakes.

=> The______________________________________________________.

Exercise 3Complete the following sentences with the appropriate form of the words in brackets. 

Question 1: Which is_______(high) building in the world?

Question 2: Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is _______ (dangerous) than skateboarding.

Question 3: I have three sisters: Jan is______________ (old) and Angela is_______(young).

Question 4: Who has been_______(bad) singer of the group?

Question 5: This car is certainly better, but it's much_______(expensive).

Question 6: We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even_______ (small) than ours.

Question 7: This factory produced twice as (many)_______motorbikes in 2014 as in the year 2012.

Question 8: She is one of_______(polite) people I have ever met.

Question 9: People say that Chinese is_______(difficult) to learn than English.

Question 10: She is_______(beautiful) girl I have ever met.

Question 11: Our hotel was_______(cheap) than all the others in the town.

Question 12: Potential dehydration is often (great)_______hazard that a land animal faces.

Question 13: In the last holiday I read a good book, but my father gave me an even _______(good) one last weekend.

Question 14: I bought_______(cheap) shirt of the shop.

Question 15: School is boring, but homework is much_______(boring).

Question 16: A park bench is comfortable, a restaurant chair is_______(comfortable), but a sofa is_______(comfortable).

Question 17: Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This was_______(funny) joke I've ever heard.

Question 18: Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is_______(old).

Question 19: My sister was_______(small) girl in her classroom.

Question 20: This museum has got_______(large) collection of antique objects in the world

Question 21: Kava dances_______(gracefully) of all the participants.

Question 22: The curriculum at the public school is as good as or (good)_______than that of any private school.

Question 23: He visits his family_______(frequently) than he used to.

Question 24: In the UK, the streets are generally_______(narrow) than in the USA. 

Question 25: People in Africa are_______(poor) in the world.

Question 26: They are beautiful girls but I think Susie is_______(lovely) of the two.

Question 27: Valencia played_______(bad) than Real Madrid yesterday.

Question 28: Nowadays (many)_______people are unemployed.

Question 29: (hard)_______you study for these exams, (good)_______marks you will get.

Question 30: Thanks to the progress of science and technology, our lives have become _______and_______(good).

Question 31: It gets _______and_______(difficult) to understand what the professor is explaining.

Question 32: (much)_______he drank, (violent)_______he became.

Question 33: Earning money has always been the thing that pleases him most, (rich)_______he becomes, (happy)_______he is.

Question 34: I can't stand this weather. It's getting _______and_______(hot).

Question 35: The bigger the supermarket is, the (wide)_______the choice is.

Question 36: Eating and traveling in this city are getting_______(expensive).

Question 37: Why don't you buy bananas when they are (little expensive) _______than apples?

Question 38: Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span (great)_______than that of man.

Question 39: This one is prettier, but it costs three times (much)_______as the other one.

Question 40: The (much)_______we learn, the (much) we forget_______.

Exercise 4Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting.

Question 1: The more time you spend on preparing for the test, the high scores you

                                   A                                         B                                      C

may get.


Question 2: The more you practice speaking in your class, the more better you are at
                            A                             B                                                 C                     D

public speaking.

Question 3: The more better I study about endangered species, the more I worry about
                                   A                    B                                                             C

their extinction.


Question 4: The higher the unemployment rate is getting, so the crime rate is becoming.

                             A                    B                                          C                                  D

Question 5: Protein molecules are the most complex than the molecules of carbohydrates.

                                                     A        B                          C                   D

Question 6: The life in the city is more comfortable than in the country.

                                        A                  B           C                             D

Question 7: The diameter of the Sun is more than one hundred times greater than the Earth.

                       A                                                B                                  C          D

Question 8: The most great trumpet player, Louis Armstrong, went from New Orleans

in 1922 to join a band that helped spread jazz through phonograph recordings.

                                                             B                  C                                 D

Question 9: After the critics see the two plays, they will, as a result of their experience

        A        B

and background, judge which is the most effective and moving.

        C        D

Question 10: The rate of stomach cancer is lowest in countries where people don't eat
        A        B        C

processed meat products than in nations where such foods are consumed.


Question 11: Do you think Australia is a much more democratic country rather than 

                                A                                            B                  C                            D


Question 12: It was farer to the shops than I expected. Therefore, it took us more than
                                        A                                                          B                               C

30 minutes to get there by taxi.


Question 13: I've always believed that happiness and health count more and more than

                                   A                                     B                           C                   D


Question 14: She is an efficient employee; she does twice as more work as other people do.

                                               A                                                        B                        C                 D

Question 15: The United States has a younger population as most other major

                                                       A                                         B           C

industrial countries.


Exercise 5: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 1: The American are less formal in addressing their bosses than the South Korean.

A. The South Korean are less formal in addressing their bosses than the American.

B. Both the American and the South Korean have the same formality in addressing their bosses.

C. The South Korean are more informal in addressing their bosses than the American.

D. The South Korean are more formal in addressing their bosses than the American.

Question 2: Nothing is more precious than happiness and health.

A. Happiness and health are the most precious things.

B. Happiness is more precious than health.

C. Health is more precious than happiness.

D. Happiness and health are more and more precious.

Question 3: I’ve never seen such a nice bouquet of wedding flowers.

A. This bouquet of wedding flowers is the nicest that I’ve ever made.

B. This is the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers that I’ve ever seen.

C. I've never seen the nicest bouquet of wedding flowers so far.

D. Nothing I’ve seen is nicer than this bouquet of wedding flowers.

Question 4: Ice-hockey is one of the most popular sports in Russia.

A. In Russia, ice-hockey is more popular than any other sports.

B. In Russia, no sport is more popular than ice-hockey.

C. In Russia, no sport is less popular than ice-hockey.

D. In Russia, one of the most popular sports is ice-hockey.

Question 5: Tet holiday is the most interesting Vietnamese traditional festival that he’s ever attended.

A. Tet holiday is more interesting than the Vietnamese traditional festivals that he’s ever attended.

B. He has never attended a more interesting Vietnamese traditional festival than Tet holiday.

C. He has attended many interesting Vietnamese traditional festivals including Tet holiday.

D. Tet holiday is one of the most interesting Vietnamese traditional festival he’s ever attended.

Question 6: There are more superstitious beliefs in Eastern countries than in Western ones.

A. Western countries don’t have fewer superstitious beliefs than Eastern ones.

B. Eastern countries have more superstitious beliefs than Western ones.

C. Eastern and Western countries have many more superstitious beliefs.

D. More superstitious beliefs exist in Western countries than in Eastern ones.

Question 7: Pho (rice noodles) is believed to be the most typical food in Viet Nam.

A. It is believed that Pho (rice noodles) is the most typical food in Viet Nam.

B. A more typical food than Pho (rice noodles) is believed in Viet Nam.

C. I believe that Viet Nam has the most typical food like Pho (rice noodles).

D. No food in Viet Nam is less typical than Pho (rice noodles).

Question 8: I have never read a better book about cultural diversity than this one.

A. This book is a good book about cultural diversity I have ever read.

B. This is the best book about cultural diversity I have ever read.

C. This book is as good as the one about cultural diversity I have ever read.

D. The book about cultural diversity I have ever read isn’t better than this one.

Question 9: Money is more important than prestige to some Americans.

A. Some Americans like prestige more than money.

B. Money is of greater importance to some Americans than prestige.

C. Money and prestige are of equal importance to some Americans.

D. Money is less preferable to some Americans than prestige.

Question 10: There were more guests at my cousin’s wedding than we expected.

A. We didn’t expect fewer guests to attend my cousin’s wedding.

B. We expected to receive more guests at my cousin’s wedding.

C. Fewer guests came to my cousin’s wedding than we expected.

D. More guests came to my cousin’s wedding than we expected.

Question 11: Lee talks to people more politely than Ben.

A. Ben doesn't talk to people as politely as Lee.

B. Ben doesn't talk to people politely as Lee.

C. Ben doesn't talk to people more politely than Lee.

D. Ben doesn't talk to people less politely than Lee.

Question 12: No student in my class can run as fast as Jack.

A. Jack is faster than no student in my class.

B. Jack is the fastest runner in my class.

C. All students in my class don't run faster than Jack.

D. No student in my class runs fast as Jack.

Question 13: This question is harder than the last one.

A. The last question is not difficult.

B. This question is the most difficult one.

C. The last question is difficult but this one is more difficult.

D. This question is hard but the last one is not.

Question 14: I like reading books more than surfing the Internet.

A. I like surfing the Internet more than reading books.

B. I like reading books less than surfing the Internet.

C. I don’t like reading books as much as surfing the Internet.

D. I don’t like surfing the Internet as much as reading books.

Question 15: In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball.

A. In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football.

B. In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football.

C. In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball.

D. In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball.

Question 16: As Elton John became more famous, it was more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

A. The most famous Elton John became, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

B. The more famous Elton John became, the more difficult it was for him to avoid reporters.

C. The more famous Elton John had become, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

D. The more Elton John became famous, the more difficult for him to avoid reporters.

Question 17: We cut down many forests. The Earth becomes hot.

A. The more forests we cut down, the hotter the Earth becomes.

B. The more we cut down forests, the hotter the Earth becomes.

C. The more forests we cut down, the Earth becomes hotter.

D. The more we cut down forests, the Earth becomes hotter.

Question 18: As he earned more money, Mike bought more clothes.

A. When Mike earned a lot of money, he bought more and more clothes.

B. The more money Mike earned, the better clothes he bought.

C. The more money Mike earned, the best clothes he bought.

D. The more money Mike earned, the more clothes he bought.

Question 19: Success in the academic field depends on your number of qualifications.

A. You are successful in the academic field, so you have more qualifications.

B. Your number of qualifications is a result of your success in the academic field.

C. The more success you are in the academic field, the more qualifications you have.

D. The more qualifications you have, the more successful you are in the academic field.


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